

The Board of Education recognizes that proper administration is vital to a successful educational program. The coordination and supervision of all aspects of the operations of the district’s schools pursuant to the policies of the Board are necessary for the development and maintenance of an effective learning environment. Administration duties and functions are to be assessed in terms of their contributions to the improvement of education in the district. The Superintendent of Schools, as the chief executive officer of the district, is to provide the leadership necessary to support this objective.

District administration is to be organized so that all divisions and departments of the central office and all schools operate within a system guided by Board policies that are implemented through the Superintendent. All personnel will have the necessary authority and responsibility (clearly defined and correlated to their roles) to carry out their respective assignments within this framework. Accountability will rest with these same personnel for the effectiveness with which their duties are performed.

Major goals of district administration will be to:

  1. effectively manage the district’s various departments, units and programs;
  2. provide professional advice and counsel to the Board and to advisory groups established by Board action including the review of policy alternatives and the subsequent recommendation from among them; and
  3. perform managerial duties as will best assure effective learning programs including but not limited to:
    1. ensuring the effective implementation of Board policy;
    2. addressing the on-site needs of the district’s schools;
    3. providing leadership in keeping abreast of current educational developments;
    4. arranging for effective staff development programs;
    5. coordinating cooperative efforts at improving learning programs, facilities, equipment and materials; and
    6. providing channels for the upward flow of information necessary and useful in the design and development of school policy.

Adoption date:   10/03/2012; 07/05/17


The Board of Education shall, by a majority vote, appoint a Superintendent of Schools for a term to be negotiated. The Superintendent shall serve as the Chief Executive Officer of the Board and shall carry out the policies established by the Board.

The Superintendent is the Chief Executive Officer for the Board and the unitary leader of the school district. In harmony with the policies of the Board, the Laws of New York State and the Commissioner’s Regulations; the Superintendent has executive authority over the school system and the sole responsibility for its effective functioning.

The Superintendent attends all meetings of the Board and participates in all of its deliberations. The Superintendent advises the Board in policy development and general planning and assumes the initiative in presenting associated issues to the Board for consideration.

The Superintendent provides data and information to the Board concerning progress and problems of the district. The Board depends upon the Superintendent for educational leadership and professional counsel in its deliberations.

In emergency matters, the Superintendent is authorized by the Board to act at his/her discretion subject to subsequent approval by the Board.

The Superintendent shall be accountable at all times to the Board.

Ref: Education Law §§1604; 1711; 2507; 2508; 2565; 3003(4)

Adoption date:   10/03/2012; 07/05/17


The Superintendent of Schools, as the Chief Executive Officer of the Board of Education, will have  the following specific powers and duties:


  1. Serve as the Chief Executive Officer for the Board and be charged with the responsibility for implementing the policies of the Board. The Superintendent shall work with the Board President in planning the agenda for each meeting, attend all meetings and participate in all regular and special meetings of the Board and executive meetings of the Board at the Board’s request.
  2. Develop a harmonious and close working relationship with the Board. The Superintendent shall treat all Board members impartially and alike, refraining from criticism of individual or group members of the Board. The Superintendent shall immediately go to the Board when serious differences of opinion arise in an earnest effort to resolve such differences.
  3. Serve as a resource person and advisor to the Board. The Superintendent shall keep the Board informed on issues, needs and operation of the school system. The Superintendent shall offer advice to the Board based on thorough study and analysis of items requiring Board action.
  4. Provide a continuous appraisal of all school policies originating with the Board. The Superintendent shall advise the Board on the need for new and/or revised policies and suggest draft policies to satisfy those needs.


  1. Develop administrative principles and procedures for implementing Board policy. The Superintendent shall ensure the enforcement of all provisions of law, rules and regulations and Board policy relating to the management of the schools and other educational, social and recreational activities. The Superintendent shall interpret for the staff all Board policies and applicable laws, rules and regulations.
  2. Understand and keep informed on all aspects of the instructional program at all levels. The Superintendent shall have responsibility for the supervision of instruction and shall bring to the school, in a leadership capacity, the best in educational thought and practice. The Superintendent shall, on a continuing basis, review and update the educational program of the school, and keep the Board informed of all changes in curriculum.
  3. Recommend to the Board for its adoption all courses of study, curriculum guides and textbooks to be used in the schools.
  4. Encourage a positive approach to student behavior and discipline.


  5. Develop and implement sound personnel practices consistent with law, Board policy and collective bargaining agreements including recruitment, hiring, assignment, supervision, evaluation, promotion and discipline of all personnel. The Superintendent shall develop procedures for the selection of staff members. The Superintendent shall establish standards for teacher selection and shall provide a framework for continuing in-service training of all professional staff members.
  6. Recruit qualified professional, civil service and non-certified personnel. The Superintendent may authorize the payment of part or all of the expenses of candidates for teaching positions if the candidates are asked to come to the district for visits or interviews.
  7. Nominate employees for appointment, promotion, transfer or dismissal in accordance with the policies of the Board and the procedures outlined by the law. The Superintendent shall make recommendations to the Board regarding salary and tenure of all employees. The Superintendent may temporarily suspend any employee for cause and shall promptly report such suspension to the members of the Board. Unless otherwise determined by the Board, the Superintendent is authorized to reemploy all employees upon the adoption by the Board of the budget for the following year.
  8. Supervise and evaluate all staff members. The Superintendent shall work for  good morale and be impartial, firm and fair in dealing with staff.
  9. Encourage in-service education and the professional growth of staff through conferences, workshops, group discussions, committee/individual studies and use of consultants.
  10. Advise the Board, in conjunction with the Board-designated negotiator(s), in all collective bargaining matters.


  1. Prepare and present to the Board a preliminary annual budget in accordance with a schedule established with the Board. The Superintendent is responsible for ensuring that the budget, as adopted by the Board and approved at the annual meeting, is properly administered. The Superintendent shall ensure that regular reports are made to the Board on the status of the budget.
  2. Establish efficient procedures to maximize income, safeguard investments and provide effective controls for all expenditures of school funds in accordance with the adopted budget. The Superintendent shall ensure that all necessary bookkeeping and accounting records are maintained by the district.


  1. Supervise operations, maintenance, alterations and repair to buildings and grounds insisting on competent and efficient performance.
  2. Evaluate plant needs and recommend to the Board improvements, alterations and changes in the buildings and equipment of the district.


  1. Supervise the public relations activities of the district. The Superintendent shall keep the public informed about the policies, practices and problems in the district’s schools and provide leadership in changing attitudes and practices for the future. The Superintendent shall develop friendly and cooperative relationships with the news media.
  2. Establish and maintain an effective working relationship with all segments of the community: parent-teacher organizations, local and state government, other school systems, institutions, agencies, civic organizations and the general public. The Superintendent shall solicit and give attention to problems and opinions of all groups and individuals.


  1. Demonstrate outstanding qualities of leadership with ability to delegate authority and responsibility effectively and to hold subordinates accountable.
  2. Exhibit good judgment, common sense and perception.
  3. Exhibit the ability to face controversy, remain true to convictions and live with a high- pressure job.
  4. Speak well before large and small groups, expressing ideas in a logical and forthright manner.
  5. Maintain professional development by reading and coursework, attending conferences, working on professional committees, visiting other districts and meeting with other Superintendents.

    Management Functions

  6. Coordinate and manage the district so that the school organization operates smoothly and efficiently. The Superintendent must be able to coordinate the processes essential to achieving a smooth operation in all areas of the school district organization:
    1. Planning: determining needs, objectives and goals
    2. Organization: assigning roles, responsibilities and establishing lines of communication
    3. Control: ensuring that progress is being made toward priorities, disciplining, making necessary staff reallocations and changes and evaluations
    4. Decision-making: data collecting, analyzing data and choosing appropriately from a variety of decision-making techniques
    5. Problem-solving: sensitivity to problems, formulating problem statements and using a variety of problem-solving techniques
    6. Communication: giving and receiving information effectively both orally and in writing, facilitating the exchange of information, views and opinions. The Superintendent is charged with developing an annual report regarding the programs and operations of the district. The report may include:
      1. five-year enrollment projections;
      2. presentation and analysis of program effectiveness data;
      3. three-year program projections;
      4. three-year expenditure and revenue projections;
      5. review and analysis of the impact of legal and regulatory changes; and
      6. three-year projection of transportation, facilities operation and maintenance needs and shall be submitted to the Board each year to allow sufficient time for review and discussion and as input to the budget development process.

27. Perform such other duties as the majority of the Board may determine.

Ref:     Education Law §§1604(8); 1711; 1804

Adoption date:   10/03/2012; 07/05/17


The following principles shall govern the administrative operations of the school system:

  1. The Superintendent of Schools shall have specific responsibility for overseeing the district educational programs.
  2. Responsibility shall flow from the Board of Education to the Superintendent to Building Principals and then to teachers.
  3. Each member of the staff shall be informed as to whom he/she is responsible and for what functions.
  4. Whenever possible, each member of the staff shall be made responsible to only one immediate supervisor for any one function.
  5. Each staff member shall be informed as to whom he/she can appeal in case of disagreement with an immediate supervisor.
  6. Each staff member shall be informed as to whom he/she should report to for help in carrying out his/her functions.


Each employee in the school system shall be responsible to the Board through the Superintendent.

All personnel shall refer matters requiring administrative action to the administrative officer immediately in charge of the area in which the problem arises.

Administrative officers shall refer such matters to the next higher authority when deemed necessary.

All employees shall have the right to appeal any decision made by an administrative officer to the next higher authority and through appropriate successive steps to the Board.

Adoption date:   10/03/2012; 07/05/17

Preparing our students for success in tomorrow’s world.

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