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Middle School Mathematics Expansion Programs

Cohoes Middle School offers mathematics expansion programs in 7th and 8th grade, designed to give our middle school students increased opportunities to explore advanced math concepts.


  • Encourage independent study and self-motivation on the part of the student.
  • Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.
  • Provide additional opportunities for students to investigate mathematical ideas, organize, and present their ideas in both written and oral form, as encouraged within the NYS Math Standards.
  • Offer students an opportunity to demonstrate proficiency on the Integrated Algebra Regents in 8th grade.  This allows students expanded opportunities at the high school level.

Programs and Requirements

Honors Math 7

This program is offered to 7th grade students who demonstrate strong math proficiency. This proficiency is measured by a student’s Grade 6 teacher recommendation, NYS Mathematics Proficiency Score, and iReady measures.

Honors Math students attend one dedicated honors math class daily.  Students must maintain an 85 percent quarterly average.  There will be a heavy homework load and students will need to exercise their ability to work independently.


This program is offered to 8th grade students who have consistently demonstrated a strong math proficiency in grades 6 and 7. This proficiency is measured by teacher recommendation, NYS Mathematics Proficiency Scores, quarterly grades, and iReady measures. Algebra students attend one class daily.  Students must maintain an 85 percent quarterly average.  There will be a heavy homework load and students will need to exercise their ability to work independently.  Algebra students who complete the program will earn an opportunity to take the 9th Grade Algebra Regents Exam in June.  Successful students will enter high school with a Regents math credit and have expanded opportunities at the high school.

Additional Information

  • At Cohoes Middle School, we have adopted the concept of building a well-crafted sequence of compacting math content moving at a higher pace by condensing three years of math (7th, 8th, and 9th), into two years.  This is supported by the NYS Math Standards.
  • Students in 7th grade may enter Honors Math 7 at any time when recommended by their team math teacher and approved by our Instructional Support Team.
  • Students who do not maintain the expectations of our program requirements may be dropped from Honors Math 7 or Algebra programs.  Final decisions are at the discretion of the CMS Principal.