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Board of Education

Our Mission

A partnership of schools, parents and the community to prepare its students for success in tomorrow’s world.

Our Vision

A purpose and plan for all!

Our Goals

The Board of Education, as a legally constituted body of elected representatives, bears the responsibility of setting policy for the school district. The Board acts in accordance with authority and responsibility vested in it by federal and state laws, rules and regulations on behalf of the district’s citizens.

Learn more about our goals in Board of Education Policy 2000: School Board Governance and Operations Policies

Our Beliefs & Commitments

The Board of Education and district administration established the following beliefs and commitments to fulfill the district’s mission and vision. Each year, district leadership, including the superintendent, assistant superintendent, building principals, building leadership teams and teacher leaders, work together to identify annual priorities to meet these commitments.

Icon of a figure hiking a hill with a flag.

WE BELIEVE IN high expectations for all.

COMMITMENT: All students will be prepared for success and supported through personal growth, academic achievement and comprehensive career education with clearly defined individual plans.

Icon of school building with sun shining.

WE BELIEVE IN a positive school climate and culture.

COMMITMENT: All students, staff and families will be engaged in an environment that promotes caring relationships, open communication, cooperation, wellness and safety.

Icon of figure peering through telescope.

WE BELIEVE IN future-ready knowledge and skills.

COMMITMENT: All students will be immersed in learning to become creative thinkers, life-long learners, effective problem solvers, communicators and collaborators.

Icon of three figures standing on books with arms stretched up.

WE BELIEVE IN the efficiency and equity of resources.

COMMITMENT: The district will be innovative in maximizing the efficiency and equity of resources.

Group image of Board of Education in January 2025