Abram Lansing nurse Kipp featured on News 10 (Video)
Embedded video of nurse Kipp on News 10
Embedded video of nurse Kipp on News 10
When fifth grade students at Abram Lansing Elementary School managed to save $1,200 through a bottle and can drive and a rolling skating party, they planned to use it on …
Continue reading “Abram Lansing does good deeds with zoo trip money”
Dear Cohoes City School District Families, The COVID-19 pandemic and the school closure has certainly brought about unique challenges this year. As education moved to a virtual environment in mid-March, …
Continue reading “Grading guidance through the end of the school year”
Given that information related to coronavirus is a rapidly developing situation, we will use this web page to share information and resources with our families as the circumstances warrant. Time-sensitive, …
Dear Cohoes School Families, During this extended period of school closure, ongoing instruction remains our priority as we continue to support our students’ foundation for future learning, coursework and post-secondary …
Resources are available to families who need assistance with Google Classroom or a district-issued Chromebook. Google Classroom Our Instructional Technology Integration Specialist, Jen Sangiacomo, will be available via text and …
Continue reading “Tech help available for Google Classroom, Chromebooks”
To provide more authentic and consistent learning experiences, your child’s elementary teachers will be using Google Classroom for the remainder of the school closure. If you have any difficulty accessing …
Dear Cohoes School Families, At our November 20, 2019 Board of Education meeting, the Board approved a new vision for the Cohoes City School District, 2,000 Empowered Learners! At that …
Cohoes City School District social workers, school psychologists, school counselors and nurses are available to support students and families with individual concerns. Please make contact by email, and let them …
Continue reading “Social Emotional Learning and Support for Our Families”
Dear Cohoes Families, While schools are closed per Governor Cuomo’s executive order, the school district must ensure that students with disabilities have equal access to learning opportunities provided to general …