Category: Harmony Hill School

  • Back to School Message about School Safety Protocols

    Dear Cohoes Families, The safety of our students and staff continues to be the highest priority of the Cohoes City School District. We maintain close working relationships with the police and fire departments, and regularly practice safety drills throughout the year. With all students now back in our buildings, we wanted to take the opportunity…

  • Welcome to the 2022-23 School Year from Superintendent Peggy O’Shea

    Dear Cohoes City School District Families, The first day of school is one of my favorite days of the school year! We look forward to welcoming our Kindergarten through 12th grade students on Tuesday, September 6 and our Universal Pre-Kindergarten students on Thursday, September 8. A free breakfast and lunch for all CCSD students will…

  • UAlbany Literacy Lab helps students develop confidence in reading and writing

    Students from Harmony Hill and Abram Lansing elementary schools strengthened their reading and writing skills this summer thanks to the UAlbany Literacy Lab, a capstone practicum for students pursuing their literacy specialist master’s degree. “We want students to see themselves as readers and writers,” said Dr. Cheryl Dozier, associate professor in Literacy Teaching and Learning,…

  • Summer programming mixes learning and fun

      Students participating in summer programs at all three elementary schools and the middle school are keeping their brains active and their social skills sharp, while having fun at the same time. “Our summer learning program gives students the opportunity to have fun, feel connected and build confidence for the year ahead,” said Middle School…

  • UPK 4 Lottery Drawing

    Due to an overwhelming response to our grant-funded UPK program, a lottery was held for all open seats to determine enrollment in the program. For all families who were unable to secure a seat, they will be placed on an official wait list and called by the order their name was drawn during this lottery…

  • UPK registration runs through April 14

    UPK registration for the 2022/23 school year begins on March 21 and runs through April 14 for children who will turn 3 or 4  on or before December 1. Registration is held by appointment only. Please call Alena Savaria, Cohoes City School District Registrar at 518.237.4131, ext. 2299 or email to schedule an appointment.…

  • Kindergarten registration begins February 28

    Kindergarten registration for the 2022/23 school year begins on February 28 and runs through March 11 for children who will turn 5 on or before December 1. Registration is held by appointment only. Please call Alena Savaria, Cohoes City School District Registrar at 518.237.4131, ext. 2299 or email to schedule an appointment. If your…

  • Elementary Schools Building Leadership Team Plans

    Each school in the Cohoes City School District has a Building Leadership Team (BLT).  These teams’ structure and processes are designed to transform teaching and learning.  The teams seek input from students, staff and parents, collect and analyze data, evaluate resources, and collectively author a building plan. The BLT’s make presentations to the CCSD Board…

  • Harmony Hill Building Leadership Team Plan

    Each school in the Cohoes City School District has a Building Leadership Team (BLT).  These teams’ structure and processes are designed to transform teaching and learning.  The teams seek input from students, staff and parents, collect and analyze data, evaluate resources, and collectively author a building plan. The BLT’s make presentations to the CCSD Board…

  • Second Dose Vaccine Clinic to be held Jan. 7 for ages 5-11

    The second-dose COVID-19 vaccine clinic for Cohoes City School District students ages 5-11 will be held on Jan. 7th from 3:15pm-5:15pm at the Cohoes Middle School.  Students will report to the CMS Gymnasium at their appointment time, which is the same time as their first dose appointment. Parents should accompany their child and masks must…