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CCSD State Foundation Aid Funding Plan

The 2021-2022 enacted state budget includes language stating that, for the 2021-22, 2022-23 and 2023-24 school years, each school district receiving a foundation aid increase of more than 10% or $10,000,000 a school year must post a plan of how the funds will be used to address student performance and needs, including, but not limited to:

  • Increasing graduation rates and eliminating the achievement gap
  • Reducing class size
  • Providing supports for students who are not meeting, or who are at risk of not meeting, state learning standards in core academic subject areas
  • Addressing student social-emotional health
  • Providing adequate resources to English language learners, students with disabilities, and students experiencing homelessness

For the 2022-23 school year, the Cohoes City School District received a foundation aid increase of 14%, or $2,469,598.

Stakeholder Planning Process and Community Engagement Efforts 

The budget planning process begins when district school budget stakeholder groups – including building leaders and program directors, teacher leaders and building leadership teams – submit a comprehensive needs assessment based on stakeholder input. The needs assessments and subsequent proposals are then presented to the district’s budget committee. The budget committee conducts a review of the return on investment analysis and makes recommendations to the Board of Education for the 2022-2023 budget. Planning for the increased foundation aid was included in this process.

Budget presentations contain extensive information about spending priorities, new initiatives, and steps the district has taken to balance the budget and best utilize the increase in resources from New York state.

Public Comments

The district did not receive any public comments at the May 4, 2022, budget hearing nor were any public comments received during previous budget presentations. The Foundation Aid Funding Plan is posted on the district’s website and public comments are welcomed.

If you would like to submit comments regarding the Foundation Aid Funding Plan, please email the District Communications Office at communications@cohoes.org.

CCSD Foundation Aid Funding Plan

The Foundation Aid Funding plan addresses each of the following areas:

  • Increasing graduation rates and eliminating the achievement gap
  • Reducing class size
  • Providing support for students who are not meeting, or who are at risk of not meeting, state learning standards in core academic subject areas
  • Addressing student social-emotional health
  • Providing adequate resources to English language learners, students with disabilities, and students experiencing homelessness
  • Goals and ratios for pupil support
  • Detailed summaries of investments in current year initiatives spent in priority areas

Cohoes will expend the funds as detailed below. View/download a printer-friendly version of the Foundation Aid Funding Plan.

If you are unable to access this information, please contact the district clerk at 518- 237-0100, ext. 2350.

Entries listed below include the position and full-time equivalent (FTE) amount as applicable; grade levels the position/funding will serve; budget category; budgeted amount; indication if this is a one-time or return on investment (ROI) expense; and an indication of the priority area that the position addresses (see Priority Area Matrix below):

Language Teacher (0.6 FTE), CHS; General Instruction; $43,000; ROI; B

Science Teacher – (1.0 FTE), CHS; General Instruction; $57,019; ROI; C

Special Programs Teacher (+0.4 FTE), CHS; Programs; $38,000; ROI; E

Speech Teacher (1.0 FTE), CHS/CMS; Pupil Support Services; $57,019; ROI; E

Campus Security Support, CHS/CMS; Health & Safety; $51,720; ROI; D

ELL Teacher (0.6 FTE), CHS/CMS; Pupil Support Services; $33,000; ROI; E

Special Education Teacher, Functional Skills Classroom (1.0 FTE), CMS; Special Programs; $57,019; ROI; E

Special Education Teacher Assistant, Functional Skills Classroom (0.6 FTE), CMS; Special Programs; $51,981; ROI; E

Math AIS Teacher (+0.4 FTE), CMS; General Instruction; $38,000 ; ROI; C

Social Studies Teacher (0.4 FTE), CMS; General Instruction; $33,000; ROI; B

New Math Series, K-6; General Instruction; $82,500; one-time purchase; A

Arts & Education Enrichment Services, ALS/HH/VS; General Instruction; $24,800; ROI; D

Capital Outlay, ALS; Maintenance & Grounds; $100,000; one-time purchase; F

ELL Support (part-time aides), HH; Pupil Support Services; $18,900; ROI; E

Curriculum Writing, Research Development, District-wide; General Instruction; $33,275; one-time purchase; A

Professional Development, District-wide; General Instruction; $44,897; one-time purchase; A

I-Ready Program, district-wide; Computer Assisted Instruction; $102,500; one-time purchase; A

Copiers, district-wide; Computer Assisted Instruction; $169,780; one-time purchase; F

Computer Hardware, district-wide; Computer Assisted Instruction; $130,000 one-time purchase; F

Educational Field Trips, district-wide; Transportation; $14,000; one-time purchase; F

Maintenance & Grounds Equipment, district-wide; Maintenance & Grounds; $140,000 one-time purchase; F

Groundskeeper (1.0 FTE), districtwide; Maintenance & Grounds; $37,600; ROI; F

Priority Area Matrix

A: Increase graduation rate & eliminate the achievement gap.
B: Reduce class sizes.
C: Providing supports for students who are not meeting, or at risk of not meeting, state learning standards in core academic subject areas.
D: Addressing student social emotional health.
E: Providing adequate resources to English language learners, students with disabilities, and students experiencing homelessness.
F: Other priority areas.