- Calendar
- Daily Schedule
- Rules, Regulations and Procedures
- I. Academic Eligibility
- Academic Eligibility
- Grade Report Periods
- Improvement Plan
- Vacations
- 4th Quarter
- II. Expectations & Conduct
- Assemblies
- Attendance & Course Credit
- Cafeteria Behavior
- Career and Counselor Center
- Clubs, Classes Activities
- Cell Phone or Other Electronic Communication or Recreational Devices
- Computer/Internet Use
- CCSD Computer/Device & Internet Acceptable Usage Agreement
- Dances/Extra-curricular Activities
- Detention
- Dishonesty
- Dress Code
- Dropping/Adding Courses
- Drugs/Alcohol
- Early Dismissal
- Field Trips
- Fighting
- Gold/Gold Plus Cards
- Graduation Participation
- Guests
- Honor Roll
- Insubordination
- Insurance
- Intentionally Making a False Alarm (Fire/Bomb)
- Legal Custody of Students
- Library
- Lockers
- Lost and Found
- National Honor Society
- Objectionable Behavior
- Obscene Language
- Parking and Speed Limits
- Passes
- Quiet Study
- Recognition of Graduating Seniors
- Restorative Justice
- Suspension/Out-of-School
- Senior Release
- Smoking/Vaping/Use of Tobacco Products
- Student Council
- Student Grading
- Students who are Suspended /Out of School
- Theft
- Vandalism
- Working Papers
- Yearbook
- Code of Conduct Summary
- Students Rights and Responsibilities
- Essential Partners
- Prohibited Student Conduct
- Student Dress Code
- Dignity for All Students
- Definitions
- Reporting DASA Violations
- Remediation/Discipline/Penalties for DASA Violations
- Disciplinary Penalties, Procedures and Referrals
- Discipline of Students with Disabilities
- Student Searches and Interrogations
- Visitors to the Schools
- Dissemination and Review
Cohoes High School Contact
Principal: Laura Tarlo
Assistant Principal: Heather Bradt
Dean of Students: Gabrielle White
Athletic Director/Dean of Students: Jeff Huneau
Secretary: Teri Curtin
Phone: (518) 237-9100
Fax: (518) 238-0169
1 Tiger Circle
Cohoes, NY 12047
Directions to Cohoes High School
Superintendent of Schools: Peggy O’Shea
Interim Assistant Superintendent for Educational Services: Dr. Tim Mundell
Cohoes High School Principal: Laura Tarlo
Assistant Principal/Dignity Act Coordinator (DAC):
Rob Santarcangelo – Phone: (518) 237-9100, ext. 1404
Athletic Director/Dean of Students: Jeff Huneau
Dean of Students: Gabrielle White
School Counselors: Chris Fournier, Amanda Gebur, Lea Miller
Social Workers: Angela Tommasini, Geneva McPherson,
School Psychologist: Cory Prairie
Health Office: Samantha McCullough
Margaret Giller, President
Nadia Carey, Vice President
Marianne Gendron
Richard Jackson
Sue Paradis
Renee Snyder
Joe Nadeau
Dear CHS Students,
Welcome to Cohoes High School! This handbook is a collection of important information that will help you make the most out of your high school years. Students, teachers and administrative staff have worked collectively to provide this information and create a useful resource for you. The rules, regulations and procedures listed in this booklet have been established to create the best possible learning environment for all students. They are based on respect for the rights of others and on the individual student’s responsibility for his/her actions. Proper use of this information will be to everyone’s best advantage and will help maintain the high standards we expect.
We encourage all students to be active participants in their school and community and take advantage of the many programs and activities. At Cohoes High School, we offer numerous clubs, co-curricular activities and athletic teams to choose from. Becoming involved helps to provide a positive link to the school and helps build lasting relationships with teachers, coaches and fellow students. The connections you make and the experiences you share will last a lifetime.
In addition, the academic courses and programs offered at Cohoes High School will challenge you intellectually and help to make sure that you are college and career ready when you leave. Be sure to make the most out of your time here at Cohoes High School and always do the best to your ability. If you are struggling, seek out a teacher, counselor, social worker or building administrator for assistance. The staff at Cohoes High School are extremely supportive and are willing to work with you and provide the necessary guidance that will help you be successful.
Finally, we want all students to know that we are here for you. We will help you to grow socially, emotionally and intellectually over the next four years. We know that you will leave with the knowledge, skills and experiences that will help you to be successful when you graduate. Have a great year!
Laura Tarlo, Principal
Daily Schedule
Period 0: 7:13 a.m. – 7:57 a.m. (Only select courses)
Period 1: 8:00 a.m. – 8:44 a.m.
Period 2: 8:47 a.m. – 9:31 a.m.
Period 3: 9:34 a.m. – 10:18 a.m.
Period 4: 10:21 a.m. – 10:43 a.m.
Period 5: 10:46 a.m. – 11:08 a.m.
Period 6: 11:11 a.m. – 11:33 a.m.
Period 7: 11:36 a.m. – 11:58 a.m.
Period 8: 12:01 p.m. – 12:23 p.m.
Period 9: 12:26 p.m. – 1:10 p.m.
Period 10: 1:13 p.m. – 1:57 p.m.
Period 11: 2:00 p.m. – 2:44 p.m.
Rules, Regulations and Procedures
I. Academic Eligibility
Academic Eligibility
The Academic Eligibility Guidelines are meant to identify academic problems as early as possible and encourage students to meet with teachers and take advantage of extra help opportunities in order to be successful. Students who are not in good academic standing are expected to follow a remedial plan to help them return to good academic standing. The purpose of academic eligibility is to improve performance in the classroom instead of it being a punishment.
Grade Report Periods
Student’s grades will be reviewed every 5 weeks based on progress reports and report cards. A grade report will be generated and sent to the designated officials from the athletic office and main office to review grades of all students who participate in extracurricular programs. Students who receive failing grades (not including incompletes) for two or more classes will be subject to academic eligibility for all interscholastic athletic teams and co-curricular clubs and activities (includes class events, senior release, school functions- i.e. prom, snowball, fundraisers, drama productions). The academic eligibility will begin the Monday following the day ineligibility lists are published.
Academic Probation- students are allowed to practice and participate in games, contests, matches, and co-curricular clubs & activities.
Academic Suspension- students are allowed to practice but not participate in games, contests, and co-curricular clubs & activities.
Students in grades 6-12 participating in athletics and co-curricular clubs & activities, who are failing two or more classes, will be placed on Academic Probation. Students who are on Academic Probation:
- If a student agrees to an individual improvement plan, he/she is allowed to fully participate in games, contests, and co-curricular clubs & activities if he/she is following the improvement plan.
- If a student does not agree to the individual improvement plan, he/she is placed on Academic Suspension and not allowed to participate in games, contests, and co-curricular clubs & activities until the next five week grade report.
Improvement Plan
- Student eligibility will be decided on a week by week basis based on review of the student progress report.
- The student will report to a structured after school study period (Academic Seminar)
- The frequency in which the student attends the Academic Seminar will be as follows:
- Failing 2 Courses = attend 2 Academic Seminars per week
- Failing 3 or more courses = attend 3 Academic Seminars per week
- The student will hand in a weekly progress report for all courses to the main office for review.
- The designated official will review the weekly progress report at the end of each week.
- If the student is following the improvement plan and making progress they will continue on Academic Probation for the next week.
- If the student is not following the improvement plan or making progress they will be on Academic Suspension the following week.
- Students will stay on the improvement plan until the next five week grade report. If the student is passing all classes on the grade report at the end of the five period, they are removed from the improvement plan. If they are still failing any courses they will continue the improvement plan for the next five week period.
- There are times when vacations immediately follow a grade report. When this occurs, students will work with their teacher to put together a portfolio of work to be completed in place of the weekly progress report. The portfolio must be approved by the designated official and completion of the portfolio during vacation will substitute for the weekly progress report.
4th Quarter
- Students who fail courses during the 4th quarter will begin the Fall on Academic Probation. Students can regain eligibility for the Fall by retaking failed courses in an approved summer school program and receiving passing grades in those courses.
The superintendent and/or principal will have the final authority to determine the eligibility for any student based on extenuating circumstances not covered under this guideline.
II. Expectations & Conduct
Students are given many opportunities to observe worthwhile programs during assemblies. These programs are part of the educational process. Such programs can only be properly conducted in an atmosphere of cooperation. Courtesy and attention to the program is required of all students.
Attendance & Course Credit
Regular attendance is a necessary requirement for the learning process. The intent of this requirement is to encourage good student attendance and discourage the frequent, unnecessary and casual absences that characterize the attendance records of some students. It is hoped that its implementation will serve to improve student school attendance and thus improve the student’s academic and social achievement as a member of the school community.
The objective of this procedure is to ensure sufficient pupil attendance at all periods of scheduled instruction or supervised study activities to permit pupils to succeed at meeting the State learning standards.
The strategies to be used in order to accomplish the objectives are to: (1) maintain an accurate record of each pupil’s attendance at all periods of scheduled instruction or supervised study activities; (2) to account to parents for the whereabouts of pupils throughout each school day; (3) to provide effective incentives and sanctions to promote student attendance.
Parent/Guardian: One or both parents/guardians or any person in parental relation.
Pupil: A student of compulsory school age enrolled in any program offered by the Cohoes City School District. Excluded from this definition are students enrolled in programs which are taught or conducted by itinerant BOCES staff.
Register of Attendance: Any written or electronic record maintained for the purpose of recording attendance, absences, tardiness or early departures of pupils.
Scheduled Instruction: Every period that a pupil is scheduled to attend actual instruction or supervised study activities.
The register of attendance shall contain basic data for each pupil and a record of each pupil’s attendance at scheduled instruction.
Basic Data: The basic data for each pupil shall include: (1) name, (2) date of birth, (3) full names of parents(s) or person(s) in parental relation, (4) address where the pupil resides, (5) telephone number(s) where the parents(s) or person(s) in parental relation may be contacted, (6) date of enrollment, and (7) date of withdrawal or being dropped from enrollment.
*Parents/guardians are responsible for updating any changes in information through our guidance or attendance offices.
Attendance Record: Pupil attendance shall be taken and recorded once at the beginning of each school day for pupils in non-departmentalized classes, and once at the beginning of each period of scheduled instruction where instruction is departmentalized. Late arrival or early departure from scheduled instruction shall also be recorded. All such absences, late arrivals or early departures shall be recorded as excused or unexcused in accordance with the standards set out in this procedure. The record shall also indicate days or portions of days of scheduled instruction when school is closed because of extraordinary circumstances, i.e., adverse weather conditions.
Excused Absences:
Absences, tardiness and early departures may be recorded as excused if the parent provides a written and/or verbal explanation for one of the following reasons:
- Personal illness/medical necessity (may require verification)
- Significant family matters
- Religious observance
- Legal and/or criminal matters directly involving the student
- School/BOCES sponsored activities for which the student has permission to participate.
Unexcused Absences:
Absences from classes for reasons not recognized by the State Education Department and Board of Education and/or with the permission of the parent are referred to as “unexcused absences”. Examples of this are: vacation trips, visiting relatives, working, etc. The school district does not provide advance homework for students going on vacation with their family. Our procedure is that students are responsible for making up the work themselves if they have an unexcused absence (i.e., on vacation with their family). District staff are not responsible for writing out assignments for a student’s unexcused absence. Students absent from classes because of scheduled activities are expected to obtain assignments from their teachers and complete such assignments after returning to school. If the work is not completed within one week from the time that the student returns to school, the student will receive zeros for missed work.
Register Entries:
All entries in the register of attendance shall be made by a teacher or by such other employees as may be designated by the Superintendent of Schools or his/her designee and shall be verified by the affirmation of the person making the entries.
Coding System:
The coding system used to record attendance, and excused or unexcused absences, tardiness, and early departures shall be clearly stated on the register of attendance. The coding system shall also identify the reason why an absence, tardiness, or early departure is excused.
Chronic Tardy Guidelines
Students are expected to make every effort to be on time for school each day. A student is considered tardy to school if he/she does not report to period 1 by 8:00am. If a student is enrolled in a period 0 class, they must report no later than 7:13am. Promptness to school must be of the highest priority. If a written explanation for a tardy is not submitted within three days, the tardy shall be included in the unexcused category even if a legal excuse is brought in after the three days for that tardy. The student is responsible for submitting an explanation, signed by a parent/guardian, in order that accurate attendance records may be maintained. Tardiness is recorded on the student’s permanent attendance record.
Students will be considered to have perfect attendance if they are in attendance every day, all day, with no tardies or dismissals. Students who are on approved educational field trips from school are considered in attendance that day.
A chronically tardy student will be ineligible for senior privileges, honors privileges, and/or work release for a term determined by administration. Privileges such as student parking permits, sign-outs from quiet study, etc. may be revoked as well.
Classes missed due to illegal tardies are recorded as class cuts. Parents may be contacted by school administration to discuss chronic tardiness. Parent conferences will be held as necessary. If a solution can not be reached, Child Protective Services or Family Court may be notified.
Failure to Sign in To School upon Arrival
Students who report to school after the 1st period has started (8:00 am) must immediately sign in at the Attendance Office. Repeated failure to do so will result in disciplinary action.
Unauthorized Absences from Class/Quiet Study
Students are required to attend all scheduled classes including quiet study. Disciplinary action will result if a class is cut or is missed due to unexcused tardies.
Leaving School Grounds/Building
Students should remain in the building and on school grounds during the school day except for students who have earned senior privileges, have a gold plus card, or have permission by the nurse or the main office to leave.
The appropriate building principal (or his/her designee) or the Director of Special Programs (or his/her designee) shall exercise due diligence to notify parents by telephone of any unauthorized absence, tardiness or early departure. Any explanation given by the parent for the pupil’s absence, tardiness or early departure shall be noted in the register of attendance. Periodic reports to parents of a pupil’s academic performance shall also contain a report of the pupil’s excused and unexcused absences, times tardy and early departures.
The building principal (or his/her designee) or Director of Special Programs (or his/her designee) shall be responsible for a monthly review of all pupil attendance records and shall take appropriate action to address unexcused pupil absence, tardiness and early leave.
Incentives: Appropriate incentives that will promote consistent pupil attendance will be developed and implemented. Such incentives may include, but shall not be limited to, school recognition of perfect attendance.
Sanctions: Unexcused absences, tardiness and early departures will be subject to the penalties set out in the respective Disciplinary Codes of Conduct..
Intervention: The building principal, (or his/her designee), or Director of Special Programs (or his/her designee), shall be responsible to contact the parent of each pupil according to the disciplinary codes of each school who has unexcused absences, tardiness, or early departures in order to emphasize the need for consistent attendance, to review the consequences or unexcused absences, tardiness or early departures under the applicable disciplinary code, and to develop an appropriate plan to assure that further unexcused absences, tardiness or early departures do not occur.
During the first half of each school year the Board of Education shall review the building level pupil attendance records for the preceding school year. If such records show a decline in pupil attendance, the Board of Education shall review the Student Attendance Guidelines and make revisions to the guidelines deemed necessary to improve pupil attendance.
Achievement at the high school level is directly related to attendance. A student is expected to attend each school session. Classes will have a “class participation guideline” instituted in class. The school day begins at times published by the principal.
The attendance office routinely calls parents of students who are absent. A note explaining the reason for absence, signed by the parent/guardian is required. If an absence note is not submitted within three days following a student’s absence, the official school attendance record will reflect an “unexcused” absence.
New York State Education Law requires that a student present a written statement signed by the parent or legal guardian, explaining each absence or tardiness. Attendance statements may be used for legal purposes; therefore, forging an attendance statement is a serious offense. If excuses are not submitted within three days, the student may be assigned detention.
Students with a parental request for an early dismissal must present a written request to the attendance office before the second period. Once the early dismissal request is confirmed by way of a phone call to the parent/guardian, the student will receive an “early dismissal” pass. Before leaving school, the student presents the “early dismissal” pass to the classroom teacher. If the student returns to school that day, such student must promptly sign into school.
When possible, routine medical appointments should be avoided during the school day. When this is impossible, students should present a written request for early dismissal to the school attendance office between 7:30 am and 8:00 am. Students who abuse this procedure and repeatedly make appointments during school hours may be required to have a parent come to school and sign them out in person.
Cafeteria Behavior
The cafeteria should be a place where students relax, enjoy their meals, and converse with friends. Proper behavior is expected. In order to maintain a healthy environment in which people may eat and relax, free from discomfort, the following are NOT permitted:
- Throwing food or any type of refuse. Students are responsible for cleaning the table and immediate area where they are eating
- Sitting on tables or standing on chairs or tables
- Removing food from the cafeteria, unless students have special permission
- Cutting in line
- Behavior which staff on duty finds either disruptive, disrespectful or unsafe. Students may be permitted to go outdoors only in the cafeteria courtyard. All other areas are off limits. The only students allowed to leave the cafeteria are those with pre-signed passes, senior release or gold cards. Students are responsible to follow all directives issued by any staff member while in the cafeteria. Students not cooperating may be subject to charges of insubordination and will be disciplined accordingly. Disciplinary measures range from reprimand to suspension.
Career and Counselor Center
Three counselors, one social worker, one school psychologist and one secretarial staff at this Career and Counseling Center. This center maintains an up-to-date file of information about occupations and a library of catalogs from colleges, nursing, technical and other specialized schools. Information is also provided on SAT/ACT preparation and career development. College scholarship information may also be obtained in the guidance office.
The Career and Counseling Center presents an opportunity for a student to talk quietly and confidentially with their counselor about school, careers, or personal problems. The counselors help students plan a high school course of study and make adjustments when necessary. If a student is in danger of failing a subject, the counselors are available to discuss the problem and its potential impact on the student’s academic standing. The counselors invite and encourage parents to communicate with them as often as necessary. It is suggested that appointments with parents be arranged by telephone (237-9100 x1417).
Clubs, Classes Activities
Any student group wishing to use the school for after school activities or fundraising should submit a building use form to the main office. This application should include the date and time of the activity and a brief description including any special arrangements that are necessary. The advisor of the student group should sign the application.
The clubs and activities currently available at Cohoes High School are as follows:
Academic Resource Center (ARC)
Activities Club
Character Education Club
Community Service Club
Environmental Science Club
GSA (Gay Straight Alliance)
Intramurals – 1 (Fall, Winter and Spring)
National Honor Society
Play / Musical
Ski Club
Student Council
Unified Sports
Cell Phone or Other Electronic Communication or Recreational Devices
I. Students are not permitted to use cellular phones and/or electronic communication devices (ECD’s) for any reason in all academic areas of the school building/property and school-sponsored activities without teacher or administrative consent. Also, during school activities when directed by an administrator, teacher, or other staff member, cellular phones and other ECDs shall be turned off (not just placed into vibrate or silent mode) and stored out of sight.
Such communication devices include, but are not limited to
- Cellular phones
- Blackberry devices and other PDAs
- iPods and MP3 players
- iPads, tablets, and other eReaders
- Laptops, notebooks, and any other personal computing devices
- Cameras or other photographic equipment
- Headphones, headsets, or in-ear headphones such as earbuds, and
- Any other device capable of recording audio, photographic or video content, capable of viewing or playing back such content
Academic areas of the school building/property and school-sponsored activities include but are not limited to:
- Classrooms
- Quiet Study
- Library
- Computer room
- Gymnasium
- In School Suspension
- 45 min/ 2 hr. detention
- Assemblies (i.e. guest speakers, pep rally, etc.)
Students will not be allowed to be in possession of a cellular phone or electronic device during a Regents exam or during any breaks (such as a visit to the restroom). Test proctors, test monitors, and school officials shall retain the right to collect and hold any prohibited electronic device prior to the start of the test administration. Admission to the test shall be denied to any student who is in possession of a cellular phone or other prohibited device and refuses to relinquish it. If a student keeps their cellular phone or any electronic prohibited electronic device with them, their exam will be invalidated and will receive no score.
II. A student may possess and use a cellular phone or other electronic devices in non-academic or designated places and/or specific circumstances. These include:
- The student is given permission by the teacher to use their cellular phone or ECD in the classroom for an academic or research purpose.
- Cafeteria during lunch periods.
- Hallways during the passing between classes.
- The student has a special medical circumstance (i.e. an ill family member, or his/her own special medical condition) and has received prior permission from the building Principal or their designee.
- The student is using the cellular phone or ECD during an emergency situation involving the immediate health/safety of themselves or other individual(s).
III. Violations of this policy may result in disciplinary action/or confiscation of the cellular phone or ECD. If the cellular phone or ECD is confiscated, it will be released/returned to the student’s parent after the student complies with any other disciplinary consequences that are imposed. A building principal may also refer the matter to law enforcement if the violation involves illegal activity.
The student who possesses a cellular phone or ECD is responsible for its care. The School District and/or School Board are not responsible for preventing theft, loss, damage, or vandalism to cellular phones or ECDs brought onto its property.
IV. Consequences for unauthorized cellular phone/ECD use:
- At the time a disciplinary action has been taken by school administration, the student will be expected to leave their electronic device in the main office for the remainder of the school day. If students fail to turnover their electronic devices, the student will be sent home for the remainder of the school day and a parent conference will be scheduled upon their return.
- Warning and/or redirect by teacher/staff with reinforcement of the expectation of electronic devices.
- Repeated offenses may result in teacher detention, phone calls home, and/or a referral for insubordination and/or disruption of education resulting in disciplinary action.
Electronic Device Infraction Consequence (Cumulative)
- Begin class by asking students to put away devices
First offense:
- Student will turn electronic device over to staff member for the remainder of the period
Second offense:
- Student will be sent to main office where electronic device will be confiscated for the remainder of the school day
- Phone call will be made home
- Student will retrieve the device at the end of the school day
Third offense:
- Student will be sent to main office where electronic device will be confiscated
- Phone call will be made home
- Student will serve detention
- Guardian will retrieve the device at the end of the school day
- Meeting with student, guardian and administration will be held
- Student is insubordinate and will face disciplinary consequences per the Code of Conduct
Computer/Internet Use
CCSD Computer/Device & Internet Acceptable Usage Agreement
These rules are intended to provide guidelines and examples of prohibited uses but do not attempt to state all required or prohibited activities by users. This agreement applies to CCSD district technology, network, and personal devices (BYOD). Failure to comply with this agreement and these rules may result in loss of computer, BYOD, internet access privileges, disciplinary action and/or legal action.
No Expectation of Privacy – CCSD retains control, custody and supervision of all computers, networks and Internet services owned or leased by the school. The school reserves the right to monitor all computer and Internet activity by students. Students have no expectations of privacy in their use of school computers, including stored files.
Computer/Electronic Device Use is a Privilege, Not a Right – Student use of computers/electronic devices, networks and Internet services is a privilege, not a right. Unacceptable use/activity may result in suspension or cancellation of privileges as well as additional disciplinary and/or legal action. The building principal shall have final authority to decide whether a student’s privileges will be denied or revoked.
Acceptable Use – Student access to district computers, BYOD, networks and Internet services are provided for educational purposes and research consistent with the school’s educational, curriculum and instructional goals. The same rules and expectations that govern student use of computers and electronic devices also applies to other student conduct. Students are further expected to comply with these rules and all specific instructions from the teacher or other supervising staff member/volunteer when accessing the school’s computers, BYOD, networks and Internet services.
Prohibited Use – The user is responsible for his/her actions and activities involving CCSD computers, BYOD, networks and Internet services and for his/her computer files, passwords and accounts. Examples of unacceptable uses that are expressly prohibited include but are not limited to the following:
Accessing Inappropriate Materials – Accessing, submitting, posting, publishing, forwarding, downloading, scanning or displaying materials that are obscene, threatening, discriminatory, harassing, illegal, or otherwise inappropriate;
Illegal Activities – Using the school’s computers, resources, networks and Internet services for any illegal activity or activity that violates other policies, procedures and/or school rules. This includes any instance in which cyberbullying causes a substantial disruption of the work of the school or impinges on the rights of other students; the person committing the act shall be subject to school disciplinary procedures.
Violating Copyrights – Copying or downloading copyrighted materials without the owner’s permission.
Plagiarism – Representing as one’s own work any, materials obtained on the Internet (such as term papers, articles, etc.). When Internet sources are used in student work, the author, publisher and Web site must be identified.
Copying Software – Copying or downloading software without the express authorization of the system administrator.
Non-School-Related Uses – Using the computers, networks and Internet services for non-school-related purposes such as private financial gain, commercial, advertising or solicitation purposes, e-mail or for any other personal use;
Misuse of Passwords/Unauthorized Access – Sharing passwords, using other users’ passwords without permission and/or accessing other users’ accounts;
Malicious Use/Vandalism – Any malicious use, disruption or harm to the school’s computers, others BYOD, networks and Internet services, will not be tolerated.
Compensation for Losses, Costs and/or Damages – The student and/or the student’s parent/guardian shall be responsible for compensating CCSD for any losses, costs or damages incurred by the school related to violations of policy and/or these rules, including investigation of any violations.
CCSD Assumes No Responsibility for Unauthorized Charges, Costs or Illegal Use – The school assumes no responsibility for any unauthorized charges made by students including but not limited to credit card charges, long distance telephone charges, equipment and line costs, or for any illegal use of its computers such as a copyright violation.
Student Security – A student shall not reveal his/her full name, address or telephone number on the Internet/CCSD network without prior permission from a supervising teacher. Students should never meet people they have contacted through the Internet. Students should inform their supervising teacher if they access information or messages that are dangerous, inappropriate or make them uncomfortable in any way.
System Security – The security of the school’s computers, networks and Internet services is a high priority. Any user who identifies a security problem must notify the system administrator. The user shall not demonstrate the problem to others. Any user who attempts or causes a breach of system security shall have his/her privileges revoked and may be subject to additional disciplinary and/or legal action. Students who engage in unacceptable use may lose access to the District’s technology system and may be subject to further disciplinary actions including revocation of computer use and additional consequences as deemed appropriate. Parents, please discuss these rules with your student to ensure he or she understands them.
Dances/Extra-curricular Activities
All students in grades 9-12 may be admitted to a dance with the following exceptions.
- Guest List: Students from other schools may be admitted to the dance, provided their name appears on a guest list with an eligible Cohoes High School student acting as a sponsor. To place a guest on the guest list, CHS students must give the name, age, and school that the guest attends to the assistant principal’s secretary. These names are subject to approval by the building administrator. Guests must be in Grade 9 or above. No one 21 years of age or older will be allowed as guests at school dances.
- Absentee List: A student whose name appears on the absentee list for that day will not be admitted to the dance.
- Suspension List: A student who has been suspended will not be admitted to the dance on the day(s) he or she serves the suspension.
- The administration reserves the right to exclude students from any extracurricular activities based upon attendance, behavior or academic concerns.
Students will not be allowed entry into a dance one-half hour after the start of the dance. If a student leaves the dance, he or she must leave school property and may not be readmitted to the dance. Bookbags and backpacks may not be brought into school dances. If a student is removed from a dance or other extracurricular activity for disciplinary reasons, he/she may be suspended from all extracurricular activities for one year from the date of infraction.
Students may be detained before or after school by teachers or at the direction of a dean of students, the assistant principal or the principal.
Cohoes High School fosters the principles of integrity, individual accountability, and honesty. Students are expected to be honest in test situations and when completing homework. Cheating in any form is a serious offense.
Dress Code
Students are expected to conform to proper dress as outlined in the District’s Code of Conduct. In addition, at the high school a student’s dress, grooming and appearance, including hairstyle/color, jewelry, makeup, and nails, shall:
- Not include the wearing of pajamas, costumes, and other forms of dress that are not appropriate as determined by building administration.
- Not including the wearing of face coverings or any other PPE that are not deemed inappropriate by building administration.
C. Hats are permitted in the high school.
The principal or his/her designee shall be responsible for informing all students and their parents of the student dress code at the beginning of the school year and any revisions to the dress code made during the school year.
Students who violate the student dress code shall be required to modify their appearance by covering or removing the offending item, and if necessary or practical, replacing it with an acceptable item. Any student who refuses to do so shall be subject to discipline, up to and including in-school suspension for the day. Any student who repeatedly fails to comply with the dress code shall be subject to further discipline, up to and including out of school .
Dropping/Adding Courses
Schedules will not be altered to accommodate teacher requests, Physical Education classes, quiet study periods, early dismissal or late arrival. Once the school year begins, students are not allowed to drop courses until 5 weeks after the start of a full-year course and 2 weeks after the start of a half-year course. A level change can only occur with parent permission and the recommendation for the level change from the current teacher. Students then have 5 days to submit a course change form. After the time period, any course changes need administrative approval and could result in a withdraw pass/fail on academic transcripts. All requests for dropping/withdrawal must also include a schedule change form. Students may not drop a course that is a requirement for graduation. In all cases, students must take a minimum course load of 5.5 credits. Students are permitted to add courses within the first 2 weeks of the school year for full-year courses and the first 2 weeks of each semester for half-year courses.
A course level change due to academic difficulty is only considered when: A request from a parent or guardian is made; the student has demonstrated sincere effort to succeed; and the student, parent, teacher and school counselor are in agreement regarding the change.
As members of the school community, we must strive to maintain an environment that is drug and alcohol free. Students may not appear in school or at school functions under the influence of alcohol or drugs. The sale, use or possession of drugs, paraphernalia, or alcohol is forbidden on school property. Disciplinary measures range from suspension to a Superintendent’s hearing. Infractions will be referred to legal authorities. Contact must be made prior to a student leaving the building. If parent contact is not made, the student has left school illegally. Notes and excuses received after the student has left the building will not be accepted. Violation of this policy will result in disciplinary action at the discretion of the assistant principal and/or principal.
Early Dismissal
Doctor appointments, family trips, motor vehicle tests, etc. should be scheduled after school hours to the greatest extent possible. If students must leave during the school day one of the following procedures must be followed:
- A dismissal note must be brought to the attendance office in the morning. This note must include the date and purpose of dismissal, parental signature, and a phone number where the parent may be contacted.
- The student’s parent or guardian must call the attendance office to request dismissal. The attendance office will take down the phone number and return the call to confirm parent contact. Students with early dismissal should leave the high school immediately upon dismissal.
Field Trips
Students must have prior written approval from a parent or guardian for all school-sponsored field trips. A permission slip must be obtained from the teacher coordinating the trip, signed and returned to the school prior to the trip.
Students are representatives of the school when on field trips and should act accordingly. Students should follow all regular school rules. If students violate any rule, they will be subject to disciplinary procedures and may be prevented from attending field trips in the future.
(Physical altercation and/or verbal altercation)
Fighting of any kind will not be tolerated at Cohoes High School. Fighting not only can result in bodily harm, but also has a negative influence on the environment of the school. Students should be aware that abusive words or actions often lead to fighting and should seek alternatives to enable them to peacefully resolve their conflict. Restorative practices may be utilized to resolve student conflict in tandem with disciplinary measures ranging from out-of-school suspension to a Superintendent’s hearing and the possible referral to appropriate law enforcement agencies.
Gold/Gold Plus Cards
Students are eligible for Gold Plus and Gold Cards if they meet the requirements as listed on the chart on the following page and have no disciplinary or attendance referrals for the previous ten week period. Gold Plus and Gold cards entitle holders to specific privileges as listed on the chart. Students who are eligible for these cards may pick up forms from the main office, which must then be signed by a parent or guardian. When the signed forms are returned, Gold Plus and Gold cards are issued and must be carried by the student at all times to receive the privileges.
Cardholders must not allow other students to carry their cards as this will result in the student’s loss of card privileges. Any discipline referrals, which result in disciplinary action, will cause the forfeiture of the student’s Gold Plus and Gold card. A Gold Plus and Gold card does not allow a student to be late for class. Students who leave the building with the use of a Gold Plus or Gold Card during lunch must sign out in the designated area. Students who leave the building with the use of a Gold Plus card during study hall must sign out with their study hall teachers.
- 85.0-89.99
Graduation Participation
The district extends the privilege of participating in the graduation ceremony to students of Cohoes City School District who meet the following criteria:
- Successful completion of requirements for the awarding of a high school diploma as put forth by the New York State Education Department and the Board of Education of The Cohoes City School District.
OR - Four years of seat time as an active participant in a recognized public school program or successful completion of a vocational program via our regional BOCES that culminates with the awarding of a certificate of completion, including a Career Development and Occupational Studies Commencement (CDOS) Credential or Skills and Achievement Commencement Credential or Test Assessing Secondary Completion (TASC) high school equivalency diploma (formerly GED).
Moreover, to be eligible to participate in the graduation ceremony, students are expected to comply with all the regulations and rules put forth by the High School administration governing the ceremony. These rules and regulations include participation in mandatory rehearsals, dress codes and codes of conduct. These expectations will be communicated to students and parents of each graduating class in writing prior to the ceremony.
All guests must sign in with the receptionist at the main entrance. Guests will not be admitted if they are from another school system which is in session on that day. Admittance of guests will be at the discretion of the administration.
Honor Roll
Honor roll recognition will be based on the designations of 85+ = “With Honors,” 90+ = “With High Honors,” and 95+ = “With Highest Honors.”
Graduating seniors will be recognized according to the following designations:
- Any student achieving a 85+ weighted cumulative Grade Point Average at the end of 8 semesters will be awarded his/her diploma “With Honors” as a separate and distinct designation.
- Any student achieving a 90+ weighted cumulative Grade Point Average at the end of 8 semesters will be awarded his/her diploma “With High Honors” as a separate and distinct designation.
- Any student achieving a 95+ weighted cumulative Grade Point Average at the end of 8 semesters will be awarded his/her diploma “With Highest Honors” as a separate and distinct designation. These students will be honored by being seated on stage at the graduation ceremony.
In the school community, as well as outside of it, a student is expected to learn to conduct himself/herself in a polite and courteous manner. In order to maintain a positive school environment, it may be necessary for staff members to give reasonable directives to students. Insubordination occurs when a student is openly defiant and willfully disregards such a directive issued by a staff member.
The following are examples of insubordinate actions:
- Deliberate disobedience
- Flagrant acts of rudeness
- Refusal to report to the office upon direction
- Disrespectful language
Disciplinary measures range from reprimand to Superintendent’s hearing. Flagrant acts may result in suspension on the first offense.
The Cohoes School District carries accident insurance on all students. Whenever a pupil is injured, this information should be reported immediately to the teacher, supervisor, or bus driver in charge. An accident report must be filed within 24 hours in order to be considered by the insurance carrier. Any medical liability must first be submitted to the family’s health insurance. Benefits provided are payable only after payment by family’s private insurance is paid first. There is no liability insurance for thefts in school. The school district is not liable for injuries arising out of sporting events
Intentionally Making a False Alarm (Fire/Bomb)
Fire alarms and protection equipment are provided for the safety of the entire school community. Misuse of the system and/or equipment or the making of a bomb threat is a serious offense and will result in severe disciplinary action. Disciplinary measures will include suspension and a Superintendent’s hearing. Referral to appropriate law enforcement agencies will be made.
Legal Custody of Students
Occasionally domestic problems involving child custody are brought to the attention of the school. School officials do not pass judgment in these cases. The responsibility of legal guardianship rests with the family and the courts. Legal documents must be on file if any restrictions have been established regarding a child’s custody.
Students are encouraged to make use of our library facility and its resources to meet their information needs. Students may come to the library throughout the day from quiet study. During lunch periods, or after school. To gain admittance to the library students must present a pre-signed pass from the librarian.
The library has a number of computers that students may use which provide access to the Internet. Students and their parents, prior to student’s use of the computers, must sign an acceptable use policy form.
School lockers are the property of the Cohoes City School District and the school district shall exercise the authority over all student lockers. The school district has a master key to all student lockers and retains control over and access to all lockers. To ensure student health and safety, the school reserves the right to inspect locker contents. This inspection may include, but is not limited to, locker clean-out days, the use of trained drug dogs and individual locker examination.
Students must be sure there are no valuables left in lockers and that where there are locks, they are locked securely. Students are to use only lockers assigned to them and are to keep lockers clean and undamaged. Stickers are not permitted on the outside of lockers and there should be no permanent decorations or defacing of the inside or outside of lockers. The school district is not responsible for items reported missing from student lockers.
Lost and Found
The school is not responsible for lost items. Students finding books, clothing or other items should turn these found items into the assistant principal’s secretary. Students looking for lost items should check with the assistant principal’s secretary.
National Honor Society
The National Honor Society fulfills a need within the school and community by encouraging students to uphold high standards and act in a responsible manner. Students in the National Honor Society will have a minimum of one service project per year in which all members shall participate. Students with an average of 85% or above are invited by the principal’s office to apply for membership. Students must then submit applications for membership in the National Honor Society, which are reviewed by the faculty council. Final selection by the faculty council is based on the following criteria:
- Candidates must have been in attendance the equivalent of one semester in tenth, eleventh, or twelfth grade.
- Candidates must have a scholastic average of at least 85%.
- Candidates must demonstrate positive character, service, and leadership qualities.
- Character is measured in terms of integrity, behavior, ethics, and cooperation with both faculty and students. Students should be aware that any disciplinary referral might preclude them from consideration into the National Honor Society at the discretion of the faculty council.
- Leadership is based on the student’s participation in two or more school and community activities, one of which must be academic in nature.
- Teacher and staff input is also considered by the faculty council.
Objectionable Behavior
An academic community should be safe and congenial for all students. Any objectionable behavior affecting the rights of others, especially that which could possibly result in bodily injury will not be tolerated. The following are some examples of objectionable behavior:
- Shoving
- Misuse of property belonging to others
- Offensive gestures
- Running in hallways
- Inappropriate display of intimate affection
- Littering
- Possession or display of pornographic material
- Repeated non-compliance with teacher directives
- Throwing snowballs on school grounds
- Possession of noise-producing devices during school hours
- Skateboarding or rollerblading on school property
Engaging in harassment, bullying or discriminatory conduct (including but not limited to) on the basis of actual or perceived race, religion, religious expression, nationality, ethnicity, gender and gender identity, sex, sexual orientation, weight and/or disability. Disciplinary measures will range from reprimand to suspension depending on the severity of the incident.
Obscene Language
One of the goals of Cohoes High School is to teach students the ability to communicate clearly within the structure of appropriate and acceptable standards of the English language. These standards are to be exemplified by all members of the school community. It is therefore stated that obscene language will not be tolerated within the school environment.
The use of profanity will result in penalties ranging from reprimand to suspension, depending on the severity and frequency of the behavior.
Parking and Speed Limits
Student parking at the high school is a privilege, not a right. Each student who plans to drive a vehicle to school must park in the student parking lot and register the vehicle in the Assistant Principal’s office each school year.
Vehicles must be parked within the painted lines and must display the school parking decal. Vehicles parked in the fire zone or incorrectly parked will be subject to disciplinary action, and may lose their parking permit. Students who receive any disciplinary referrals may also lose their parking permit. Parking permits will be assigned to seniors in good standing first. Seniors will be given the privilege to park in the student lot. Underclassmen may receive a sticker, but must park on Madeline Hickey Way.
When vehicles are parked, they should be locked to inhibit thefts and vandalism. Students are not to return to their vehicles until they are leaving school grounds for the day unless they receive permission from the principal or assistant principal. At no time are students to sit in their vehicles during the school day or to congregate in the parking lot. Students who abuse school parking privileges will be prohibited from further parking on school grounds. Cars parked in the parking lot may be subject to random searches.
Cohoes Board of Education has established 15 miles per hour as the legal limit for Cohoes High School. During entrance or dismissal periods, the legal limit is 5 miles per hour. Students who do not obey this limit may have their parking privileges revoked and may be subject to legal action and disciplinary action.
Students are not allowed in the halls during class periods without properly signed passes. Passes must be signed and dated by the adult supervising the student. Pupils who do not use the pass system correctly may have hall privileges withheld. Students with Gold Plus or Gold cards may move throughout the high school without a pass. However, they may not report late to a class with the use of these cards.
Quiet Study
Quiet Study provides a place for students to read, prepare for classes, complete their homework, and study for upcoming tests and quizzes. If students wish to use the library during quiet study there are limited number of spaces available when the library is open. Students should access the library when the activity and/or assignment they are completing cannot be completed in their quiet study classroom. A student wishing to make up physical education classes during quiet study must also have pre-signed passes from their physical education teacher.
Recognition of Graduating Seniors
The students with the three highest Grade Point Averages will be recognized as the class Valedictorian, Salutatorian and Honorable Mention. This distinction will be based on 7 semesters plus one marking period.
The class Valedictorian will deliver the first student speech at graduation. The second student speaker will be determined by a selection process. Any senior wishing to address the class, must submit a copy of his/her graduation speech to the principal. The principal will assemble a committee consisting of an administrator, teacher and student representative from the junior class. This committee will select the designated speaker.
Class rank will not be published or made a part of a student’s official transcript.
Restorative Justice
Cohoes High School incorporates Restorative Justice (RJ) practices into the school culture. RJ is ‘a philosophical approach that embraces the reparation of harm, healing of trauma, reconciliation of interpersonal conflict, reduction of social inequality, and reintegration of people who have been marginalized and outcast. RJ embraces community empowerment and participation, multipartial facilitation, active accountability, and social support. A central practice of restorative justice is a collaborative decision-making process that includes harmed parties, people who caused harm, and others to seek a resolution that includes: (a) accepting and acknowledging responsibility for harmful behavior, (b) repairing the harm caused to individuals and the community, and (c) working to rebuild trust by showing understanding of the harm, addressing personal issues, and building positive social connections’.
Removal from school. The principal may suspend a student from one to five days. The Superintendent may suspend for more than five days. Students are responsible for making up work missed as a result of suspension. An alternative learning opportunity is provided after school for suspended students. The suspension of students who do not attend this program will count as unexcused absences from class. A parent conference is strongly recommended when a student returns to school after a suspension. This appointment should be made ahead of time to ensure that an administrator is available to meet with you. Students are prohibited from participating in any activities related to school or from appearing on school property and time during the period of suspension, except to attend the after school program for suspended students.
Senior Release
Senior Release is a privilege that allows qualified seniors who do not have classes scheduled to report to school after the regular 8:00 am start time and/or leave the high school prior to dismissal time whenever classes are completed. To receive Senior Release, seniors must be passing all subjects and may not have any out of school suspensions or referrals. If marks fall or if the student receives a suspension, his or her senior release privilege will be rescinded for a period of time until behavior and academics improve. Seniors must obtain the necessary forms for Senior Release from their guidance counselor. These forms must be completed and signed by a parent or guardian.
Smoking/Vaping/Use of Tobacco Products
Smoking, vaping or the use of smokeless tobacco in the school building, on school grounds, on a school bus, or during any school activity-taking place is forbidden. Violation of this policy will result in a disciplinary consequence at the discretion of the assistant principal and/or principal.
All students who are present in an area where smoking is taking place are subject to the above disciplinary consequences. If a student wished to avoid being penalized for being in an area where smoking is occurring, it is the responsibility of the individual to leave the area immediately.
Students who display smoking/vaping materials and/or warn smokers of the impending arrival of staff members may also be subject to disciplinary action.
Student Council
The Student Council is the student governing body at Cohoes High School. It serves as a liaison between the administration, faculty, and students. The Council consists of a president, vice president, secretary, treasurer, and a representative from each second period class. The Student Council holds bi-monthly meetings which all students are encouraged to attend.
Student Grading
In an effort to ensure that students are on track to meet the 22 credit requirement for graduation, all students in grades 9-12 must be enrolled in at least 5.5 credits for the school year (or the equivalent). Exceptions may be granted through the Student Success Team.
Advanced Placement, dual-credit and honors courses represent a significant academic challenge. Therefore, grades for Advanced Placement shall be weighted by adding 6 percentage points to the GPA. Grades for dual-credit courses shall be weighted by adding 4 percentage points to the GPA. Grades for Honors courses shall be weighted by adding 2 percentage points to the GPA. This weighted grade point average will be used to calculate honor roll achievement.
Students who are Suspended /Out of School
In accordance with Education Law, students who are suspended from school should be completing assignments virtually.
- Administration requests that students who are suspended out of school be readmitted with a conference between a parent or guardian and an administrator.
- Students who are suspended from school are not allowed to participate in or attend any school activities until reinstatement.
- Students who are suspended from school are not allowed on school grounds until reinstatement unless they are attending the after-school program for suspended students.
One of the goals of Cohoes High School is to instill a feeling of respect for the rights and property of others. Therefore, it is expected that all students will be honest and will respect the property of others. Since stealing is against the law, any individual who violates this law will be subject to school and/or criminal punishment.
Disciplinary measures range from reprimand to suspension and/or referral to legal authorities. Restitution will be required within the scope of the existing law. The school district does not have insurance for students’ personal property: therefore, the best protection against theft is to avoid bringing valuables to school, or if you must, to lock them securely.
Vandalism is defined as the intentional damage to the property of the school district or of any personal property, which results in the cleaning, repair, or replacement of the property vandalized. Examples of vandalism include defacing of walls, lockers, furniture, books, or other school equipment; damage to floors, walls, ceilings, doors, windows, and bulletin boards; mistreatment of any equipment or furnishings; and destruction/defacement of the personal property of school community members.
Disciplinary measures range from reprimand to referral to the appropriate legal jurisdiction. Students must replace, clean, or remove any litter, writing, etc. According to Education Law, paragraph 1709, subdivision 36, a student’s parent or guardian is responsible for the first $2,500.00 of vandalism committed by their child. A reasonable effort must be made to repay the damages within a time limit arranged by a parent and administrator. A small claims action may be initiated to collect damages.
Working Papers
Application forms for working papers are available in the health office.
Assistants, photographers, and promotion staff all work diligently together to create a yearbook to capture the memories of Cohoes High School. Every page of the yearbook is designed and produced by students.
Code of Conduct Summary
This Code of Conduct is developed in an effort to:
• clearly define the expectations for acceptable conduct on school property;
• identify the possible consequences of unacceptable conduct;
• ensure that discipline, when necessary, is administered promptly and fairly;
• support the Dignity For All Students Act
For purposes of the code, a set of common definitions were developed. Definitions of the following terms are available in the complete document that can be picked up at the Main Office of your school.
Students Rights and Responsibilities
The Code of Conduct defines the rights and responsibilities of students as members of the school community. These rights and responsibilities relate to academic, school citizenship, behavioral and extra-curricular activities. No student shall be subjected to intimidation, harassment, bullying and/or discrimination based on actual or perceived race, color, weight, national origin, ethnic group, religion, religious practice, disability, sex, gender, including gender identity, or sexual orientation, by employees, students, and visitors on school property or at a school sponsored event, function or activity. Students have the responsibility to show respect to others, attend school each day, strive to achieve at the highest level possible, follow rules and directions, and hold themselves to the highest standards of conduct, demeanor and sportsmanship both in school and while attending/participating in school-sponsored events.
Essential Partners
The following adults are identified as essential to support students as they develop as students / citizens and to respond to issues of discrimination and harassment: Parents, Teachers and Other Staff, Counseling Staff, Principals and Supervisory Personnel, Superintendent and District Administration, and the Board of Education. Their roles and responsibilities are explained in detail in the complete document.
Prohibited Student Conduct
Students may be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including suspension from school, when they engage in the following prohibited conduct. These are explained in extensive detail in the full document.
- Disorderly conduct
- Insubordinate
- Disruptive conduct
- Violent conduct
- Endangering the safety, moral, health or welfare of others including intimidation, bullying, harassment, vulgar or offensive language, drugs, tobacco products and electronic smoking devices
- Misconduct on a school bus
- Academic misconduct
- Use of electronic devices which creates a risk of substantial disruption including cyberbullying
Student Dress Code
Students and their parents have the primary responsibility for acceptable student dress and appearance. A student’s dress, grooming and appearance shall:
- Be safe, appropriate and not disrupt or interfere with the educational process.
- Recognize that garments which excessively expose the body are not appropriate.
- Ensure that undergarments are completely covered.
- Include footwear at all times. Footwear that is a safety hazard will not be allowed.
- Not include items that are vulgar, obscene, libelous, or denigrate others on account of actual or perceived race, color, weight, religion or religious practice, disability, creed, national origin, gender and gender identity, sexual orientation, or sex.
- Not promote and/or endorse the use of alcohol, tobacco or illegal drugs and/or encourage other illegal or violent activities. This includes prohibition on gang symbols, signs, colors, or other related apparel.
Dignity for All Students
In accordance with the Dignity for All Students Act, the Board of Education recognizes that a safe and respectful learning environment is essential for promoting student attendance and academic achievement. The District is committed to creating an environment free from discrimination and harassment and will promote civility and respect throughout the District to prevent and prohibit conduct that is inconsistent with this goal.
The District condemns and strictly prohibits all forms of discrimination, harassment and/or bullying of any student, by employees or students, that creates a hostile school environment by conduct or by threats, intimidation or abuse, including cyberbullying. Such prohibited conduct shall include, but is not limited to acts based on a person’s actual or perceived race, color, weight, national origin, ethnic group, religion, religious practices, disability, sexual orientation, gender on school property, at school-sponsored activities and events that take place off school property.
“Harassment” under the Dignity Act means the creation of a hostile environment by conduct or by verbal threats, intimidation or abuse that has or would have the effect of unreasonably and substantially interfering with a student’s educational performance, opportunities or benefits, or mental, emotional or physical well-being; or conduct, verbal threats, intimidation or abuse that reasonably causes or would reasonably be expected to cause a student to fear for his or her physical safety; such conduct, verbal threats, intimidation or abuse includes but is not limited to conduct, verbal threats, intimidation or abuse based on a person’s actual or perceived race, color, weight, national origin, ethnic group, religion, religious practice, disability, sexual orientation, gender (identity or expression) or sex.
“Bullying” refers to a hostile activity which harms or induces fear through the threat of further aggression and/or creates terror. Bullying may be premeditated or a sudden activity. It may be subtle or easy to identify, done by one person or a group. Bullying may include a power imbalance, intent to harm, threat of further aggression and/or terror. Bullying can be in the form of verbal (i.e. name calling, gossip, threats etc.), physical (tripping, hitting, spitting, punching, damaging personal property or threatening gestures etc.) or social/relational (excluding or isolating someone from a group etc.).
Any person who has reasonable cause to suspect that a student has been subjected to discrimination or harassment by an employee or student, on school grounds or at a school function, who acts reasonably and in good faith and reports such information to school officials or law enforcement authorities, shall have immunity from any civil liability that may arise from making such report. Additionally, the Board prohibits any retaliatory behavior of individuals who participated in an investigation of a complaint.
Reporting DASA Violations
Any student or employee who observes a student being harassed, bullied and/or discriminated against by another student or a staff member shall promptly report this information to a teacher, the Principal, the Principal’s designee, the Superintendent of Schools or the Dignity Act Coordinator.
Whenever a complaint of bullying is received by a staff member, whether verbal or written, it should be reported to the principal or their designee within one (1) school day of receiving or witnessing the incident; within two (2) school days of verbally reporting the incident, the staff member must file a written report with the principal or their designee. Except in the case of severe or criminal conduct, the principal, the principal’s designee or the Dignity Act Coordinator (DAC) shall make all reasonable efforts to resolve complaints at the school level. The goal of the investigative process is to promptly address incidents of harassment, bullying and/or discrimination, and to end the bullying, prevent future incidents, ensure the safety of the target and obtain a prompt and equitable resolution to a complaint.
As soon as possible, but no later than three school days following receipt of a complaint, the principal, the principal’s designee or the Dignity Act Coordinator (DAC) will begin an investigation of the complaint by Reviewing any written documentation provided by the target(s).
The Superintendent or their designee shall promptly arrange for the investigation and resolution of all bullying, harassment and/or discrimination appeals complaints that are referred to him/her. No later than 30 days following receipt of the complaint, the Superintendent will notify the target and alleged perpetrator, in writing, of the outcome of the investigation.
Any party who is not satisfied with the outcome of the District-level investigation may appeal to the Board of Education by submitting a written request to the Board President within 30 days.
Remediation/Discipline/Penalties for DASA Violations
Any individual who engages in harassment, bullying and/or discrimination will be subject to appropriate action, which may include disciplinary action. Remedial responses to bullying include measures designed to correct the problem behavior, prevent another occurrence of the behavior, and protect the target of the act. Appropriate remedial measures may include, but are not limited to:
- Restitution and restoration;
- Peer mediation;
- Corrective instruction or other relevant learning or service experience;
- Changes in class schedule
- Supportive intervention;
- Conflict coaching/restorative practices;
- Behavioral assessment or evaluation;
- Behavioral management plan, with benchmarks that are closely monitored;
- Student counseling;
- Parent conferences; or
- Counseling services.
Disciplinary measures available to school authorities include, but are not limited to the following:
Students: Discipline may range from a reprimand up to and including suspension from school, to be imposed consistent with the Code of Conduct and applicable law.
Employees: Discipline may range from a warning up to and including termination, to be imposed consistent with all applicable contractual and statutory rights.
Disciplinary Penalties, Procedures and Referrals
All students are expected to promptly report violations of the Code of Conduct to a teacher, guidance counselor, the Building Principal or their designee. Any student observing another student possessing a weapon, alcohol or illegal substance on school property or at a school function shall report this information immediately to a teacher, the Principal, the Principal’s designee or the Superintendent of Schools.
Disciplinary action, when necessary, will be firm, fair and consistent so as to be the most effective in changing student behavior. In determining the appropriate disciplinary action, school personnel authorized to impose disciplinary penalties will consider the following:
- The student’s age.
- The nature of the offense and the circumstances, which led to the offense.
- The student’s prior disciplinary record.
- The effectiveness of other forms of discipline.
- Information from parents, teachers and/or others, as appropriate.
- Other extenuating circumstances.
As a general rule, discipline will be progressive. This means that a student’s first violation will usually merit a lighter penalty than subsequent violations.
If the conduct of a student is related to a disability or suspected disability, the student shall be referred to the Office of Special Programs and discipline, if warranted, shall be administered consistent with the separate requirements of this Code of Conduct for disciplining students with a disability or presumed to have a disability.
Students who are found to have violated the district’s Code of Conduct may be subject to the following penalties: oral warning, written warning, written notification to parents, detention, suspension from transportation, suspension from athletic participation, suspension from social/extra-curricular activities or other privileges, in-school suspension, restitution, restorative justice, short-term suspension, long-term suspension
Discipline of Students with Disabilities
This Code of Conduct affords students with disabilities certain procedural protections whenever school authorities intend to impose discipline upon them. These procedures are consistent with the safeguards required by applicable laws and regulations.
Student Searches and Interrogations
Any school official authorized to impose a disciplinary penalty on a student may question a student about an alleged violation of law or the district Code of Conduct. School officials are not required to contact a student’s parents before questioning the student. All students will be told why they are being questioned.
School property including student lockers are areas that are subject to search by school officials. Searches may be conducted of students and their belongings if the authorized school official has reasonable suspicion to believe that the search will result in evidence that the student violated the law or the district Code of Conduct. A limited search may be conducted without reasonable suspicion.
District officials are committed to cooperating with police officials to maintain a safe school environment. Before police officials are permitted to question or search any student, the authorized school official shall first try to notify the student’s parents to give the parent the opportunity to be present during police questioning or search. If the parent cannot be contacted, the questioning or search shall not be conducted. The principal or designee will be present during any police questioning or search of a student on school property or at a school function.
The district is committed to keeping students safe from harm and is obligated to report to child protective services when they have reasonable cause to suspect that a student has been abused or maltreated. The district will cooperate with local child protective services workers who wish to conduct interviews or students on school property relating to allegations of suspected child abuse and neglect or custody investigations. Specific procedures are detailed in the complete document.
Visitors to the Schools
The building principal is responsible for all persons in the building and on the grounds. For these reasons, the following rules apply to visitors and volunteers to the schools:
- Anyone who is not a regular staff member or student of the school will be considered a visitor.
- All visitors to the school must report to the office or the Principal upon arrival. There they will be required to sign the visitor’s register and will be issued a visitor’s identification badge, which must be worn at all times while in the school or on school grounds. The visitor must return the identification badge to the Principal’s office before leaving the building.
- Visitors attending school functions that are open to the public are not required to register.
- Any unauthorized person on school property will be reported to the Principal or their designee. Unauthorized persons will be asked to leave. The police may be called if the situation warrants.
- All visitors are expected to abide by the rules for public conduct on school property contained in this Code of Conduct.
All persons on school property or attending a school function shall conduct themselves in a respectful and orderly manner. In addition, all persons on school property or attending a school function are expected to be properly attired. Prohibited conduct, penalties and enforcement are specified in the Code of Conduct document.
Dissemination and Review
This summary document is to be included in all student handbooks and the Code of Conduct Summary Document will be distributed to all students, parents and staff. It will be reviewed and updated as necessary each year. The complete document, which has been approved by the School District Board of Education, is available in every school building for parent and community review. Any questions or clarifications may be requested from school district and building administrators.