The Cohoes Jr. Drama Club is set to kick off three shows of “Annie Jr.” this weekend, with a cast of 67, crew of 30 and eight student staff.
You won’t want to miss this timeless classic about Annie, a spunky orphan who, after a series of events, is eventually adopted by America’s wealthiest man – Mr. Warbucks. The story is one of determination, optimism, friendship and grit.
The show will be performed in the Cohoes High School auditorium on the following dates:
January 12 – 7pm
January 13 – 7pm
January 14 – 2pm
Admission is $10.
Pre-sale tickets will be sold at the high school on Wednesday, Jan. 10 and Thursday, Jan. 11 from 6pm-7pm in the auditorium.
Day of performance tickets will be sold at the door before the show. Lobby opens 90 minutes prior to showtime; the theater opens 30 minutes before each show.
Annie Jr. runs approximately 90 minutes with one intermission.
The Cohoes High school is located at 1 Tiger Circle, Cohoes, NY 12047.