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COVID-19 At-Home Test Kits

The Cohoes City School District has received an allotment of at-home COVID-19 tests kits from New York State for enrolled students. The purpose of these tests is to monitor the spread of COVID-19 within our community as part of the ongoing effort to keep our school buildings open for in-person instruction. Tests can be administered whether or not a student is exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19. Please read the process below that details what to do when your child takes a COVID-19 test.

Please note: There is an expiration date printed on the back of the box.  Please know that the manufacturer has extended the expiration date by 90 days.

If your child tests positive on a rapid at-home test COVID-19 test kit:

(**This includes the tests we distributed and all other FDA approved tests**)

  • Please take a picture of the positive test results and the back of the test kit box. Write your child’s name and date of birth on a piece of paper and include it in the photo.
  • Notify your school nurse via email of the positive test result, and include the picture.
  • Report the positive test result to the Albany County Department of Health, where you will also need to upload the photo.
  • Your child must isolate for 10 full days per Albany County Guidance.
  • Day zero is the day your child took the test if they have no symptoms, or the day symptoms first started if they took the test while symptomatic.

You can find the Albany County Isolation Protocol here.

Your child may return on day 11 as long as they meet the following criteria as established by New York State Department of Health:

  • No fever within 72 hours, without fever-reducing medication.
  • No runny nose.
  • Have no more than an INFREQUENT, non-productive cough that is not getting worse. Students with a cough must be able to tolerate mask use.
  • All other symptoms are improving.

If your child has symptoms of COVID-19 and tests negative on a rapid at-home test:

  • Please take a picture of the negative test results and the back of the test kit box. Write your child’s name and date of birth on a piece of paper and include it in the photo.
  • Notify your school nurse of the negative test result via email including pictures. Keep your child at home until you speak to your school nurse about your child’s symptoms (see below)  and their return to school.
  • You do not need to report this to the Albany County Department of Health.

In order for symptomatic students who test negative to return to school, they must:

  • Be fever-free for 24 hours without fever-reducing medication.
  • Have no runny nose.
  • Have no more than an INFREQUENT, non-productive cough that is not getting worse. Students with a cough must be able to tolerate mask use.
  • Have no persistent body aches.
  • Have no nausea, diarrhea or vomiting for at least 24 hours.

COVID-19 tests cannot be used to test out of an Albany County Department of Health Quarantine Order.

CCSD Nurses & Contact Information:

Van Schaick Grade School
Cheryl Barber

Harmony Hill School
Lisa LeBlanc

Abram Lansing Elementary
Sandra Kipp

Cohoes Middle School
Patricia Scott

Cohoes High School
Samantha McCullough

UPK (all buildings)
Shelby Farley

If your child does not have symptoms and has tested negative, you do not have to report results to the school or Albany County Department of Health.