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High School Counseling Office

For more information outside what is contained on this page, please see the HS Counseling Office Website.

The focus of the Cohoes City School District’s Counseling Department is to provide a Developmental School Counseling Program consisting of a comprehensive plan of academic, career, and personal development. The program is an essential part of the total school program and supports the goals established for all students.

Through a series of sequential and developmental activities, the counselor ensures that he/she is meaningfully involved with each student during each year of the secondary school experience. In this way the student is in the best position to learn, plan, and make positive decisions with the ongoing support and assistance of a school counselor.


Naviance is an online web-based program for college research, applications, and family connection that includes career research as well. It is required for each student intending to apply to college.

If you have any questions please contact the high school counseling office.

High School Equivalency Class (formerly GED)

Classes open to students 17 years or older who lack a high school diploma and have left school. Instruction is done by a certified teacher who works with students to overcome their challenges so they can successfully pass the exam. Visit the Capital Region BOCES Adult Education page for more information.

Vocational Education

Working Papers

The application requires a parent/guardian signature and a health form to be signed by the applicant’s physician verifying he/she has had a physical examination within the past year. It is not necessary to have a job before obtaining the working papers.

Preparing for College

There are many options to choose from when it comes to preparing for life after high school. To help see if college may be best for you, visit the Preparing for College page.