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Response to Intervention (RTI)

Cohoes Response to Intervention Process

Before classifying a student, school districts have an obligation to provide interventions and remediation of academic and behavioral concerns and document the failure or success of each attempt [8 NYCRR 200.2(b)7}. In addition the reauthorization of IDEA 2004, states that a child must receive appropriate instruction in reading and math prior to identification of a disability.

Each school in the district has an active school-based support team (In-School Team (IST), School Support Team (SST)). The purpose of this team is to determine interventions for students that target their specific academic and/or behavioral difficulties. Research demonstrates that early intervention and monitoring of progress can avert the need to refer a student to the Committee on Special Education. A teacher or parent can request assistance from the SST during the school year at any time. A teacher having concerns about a student’s progress in the core reading or math program would follow the schools procedures for intervention assistance within the Response to Intervention Process (see model). In addition, the teacher can access the School Support Team for assistance with behavior or other academic concerns in the following way:

  1. Complete a request for assistance form and submit to the School Support Team along with universal screening data (elementary level) or other baseline data including classroom performance data, behavior plan data, and anecdotal records.
  2. A meeting is held to review student records and determine areas of need for the development of an Intervention Plan according to the RTI model used in the building. The completed plan includes the specific technique(s) to be used in the classroom or in addition to classroom instruction and how the student’s progress will be monitored. Progress monitoring is the primary responsibility of the classroom teacher within the core program. If the intervention occurs in addition to the core program then monitoring occurs by the individual providing the intervention (i.e. Reading specialist, related service provider, special ed teacher etc…)
  3. A follow-up meeting is held after the intervention has been implemented for a designated amount of time (minimum of 6-8 weeks for tier 2) to review results, revise the plan or move to the next level of intervention if necessary.
  4. If the interventions have been implemented with fidelity at each of the 3 tiers and the student’s rate of progress is not comparable to the expected rate of progress based on performance data, then the team may consider referring the student to the Committee on Special Education.


New Guidance – Response to Intervention

NYSED is pleased to announce the release of the document Response to Intervention: Guidance for New York State School Districts. The purpose of the guidance document is to provide information and guidance to school districts on how to design and implement an effective RtI process. This guidance document should be used in conjunction with information available from the NYS Response to Intervention Technical Assistance Center (NYS RtI-TAC).

National Center for Learning Disabilities (NCLD)

The mission of NCLD is to improve the lives of the 1 in 5 children and adults nationwide with learning and attention issues—by empowering parents and young adults, transforming schools

A Parent’s Guide to Response to Intervention (RTI)

The National Center for Learning Disabilities’ RTI Action Network has developed a guide for parents and schools involved in implementing RTI in the elementary grades.