Home » Gendron named Middle School Physical Education Teacher of the Year

Gendron named Middle School Physical Education Teacher of the Year

Congratulations to Teresa Gendron, who has been named Cohoes Middle School Physical Education Teacher of the Year by the New York State Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (NYS AHPERD).

Gendron, a PE teacher for over 30 years with the Cohoes City School District, strives to bring innovative ideas into her teaching practices to keep her students active and engaged.

Over the years, she has initiated Turkey Trots, PGA golf programs, bowling and fishing field trips. Gendron has also introduced new units in the PE program, such as Circus Arts, Sport Stacking, Ringette and Synchroball.

She has also coached modified softball, soccer, volleyball and intramurals.

Additionally, Gendron is a member of SHAPE America (Society for Health and Physical Education), the National Academy of Health and Physical Literacy and the NYS AHPERD.

“My goal has always been to improve students’ physical literacy so that they become confident in a variety of physical activities in multiple environments that benefit the healthy development of the whole person,” Gendron said.

Her commitment to fitness goes back to her high school days, at an age not far removed from her present day students.  That’s when she first realized that she wanted to pursue a path in physical education.

The spark was lit during her junior year of high school after having a discussion with her parents about her college plans. Physical education seemed a natural fit because she enjoyed teaching kids and being active.  

“I am proud to say that I made the right choice because I still enjoy kids and I love being active,” she said. “I would like to thank everyone in the district for helping me be a better teacher every day. I have learned from all of the fantastic educators, administrators and students and I am forever grateful to each.”

You can read more about the award here: https://nysahperd.org/teacher-of-the-year-award/




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