Home » Kindergarten registration begins Feb. 6

Kindergarten registration begins Feb. 6

Our kindergarten registration period for students entering the Cohoes City School District next fall will begin on Monday, Feb. 6, and run through Friday, Feb. 17.  Children who will turn five years old on or before Dec. 1, 2023 are eligible to enter kindergarten in September 2023.

If you have a rising kindergartener and have not been contacted by the District Registrar Alena Savaria, please fill out a Kindergarten Pre-Registration form, and email it to asavaria@cohoes.org or call 518.237.4131, ext. 2299 to request a registration packet.

If your child is currently enrolled in the Cohoes UPK 4 program, you do not need to re-register him/her; enrollment is automatic.

Please return completed registration packets by Feb. 17.

Once you have completed the paperwork and have gathered the documents listed on the first page of the packet, please submit your paperwork in one of the following ways:

  • Schedule an appointment to meet in person by calling 518.237.4131 ext. 2299.
  • Scan all documents as PDF files and email the attachment to the Registration Office at asavaria@cohoes.org.
  • Drop them in the locked dropbox at the Middle School, which is located at 7 Bevan Street, Cohoes. The locked mailbox is located to the right of the main doors and is checked regularly.
  • Mail them to: 7 Bevan St, Cohoes, NY 12047, Attn: Office of the Registrar.

Once all materials have been received, registration packets will be reviewed, and you will be notified via email once your paperwork has been processed. Please keep in mind that it will take time to review each packet so you may not receive an email for some time after your packet is submitted.

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