Miscellaneous Policies
Board Policy Table of Contents
District Office
21 Page Avenue
Cohoes, NY 12047
Superintendent: Peggy O’Shea
Phone: (518) 237-0100
Fax: (518) 233-1878
More about Cohoes CSD policies
District policies are reviewed and approved on an ongoing basis. Upon review and approval, they are given to the Board of Education for a first reading. If accepted, the policy is returned (for a second reading) to the Board of Education as a resolution, subject to further discussion and possible return to committee or adoption.
Please contact the District Clerk at (518) 237-0100 with any policy questions.
7000 Facilities Development Goals
A quality educational program can best function in an environment that is conducive to learning, supports and encourages excellence in teaching and provides a safe and comfortable place for students and staff.
The intent of the Board of Education’s facilities program is to provide facilities that:
- Facilitate the achievement of the goals of the district’s instructional program
- Provide for the health and safety of students, staff and the community at large
- Provide for the efficient use of energy
- Meet legally mandated requirements
The Superintendent of Schools will annually provide to the Board a report outlining the needed preventive maintenance and facilities modifications which are deemed necessary to meet the above goals. This report will be provided to the Board in a timeframe which allows for consideration of the report as part of the budget development process.
Cross Ref:
8 NYCRR 14.1 (School Buildings and Grounds General Requirements) 8 NYCRR 155 (Educational Facilities)
Adoption date: 03/20/13, April 2014
7100 Facilities Planning
The Board of Education is responsible for the regular operation and orderly development of the school district’s physical plant. In carrying out this responsibility, the Board is concerned with both short-term and long-range planning.
The Superintendent of Schools shall be responsible for the formulation and implementation of the following plans for school building facilities.
Comprehensive Long-Range Facilities Development Plan
This plan shall be kept current and re-evaluated at least annually. It shall include an appraisal of the following:
- Educational philosophy of the district, with resulting administrative organization and program
- Present and projected pupil
- Space use and state-rated pupil capacity of existing
- Priority of need of maintenance, repair or modernization of existing facilities, including consideration of the obsolescence and retirement of certain facilities and/or provision of additional facilities.
Five-Year Capital Facilities Plan
This plan will be updated annually and shall include the following:
- A yearly breakdown of the estimated expenses for construction, additions, alterations, major repairs, system replacement and repairs and maintenance and energy
- A district-wide building inventory including the number and type of facilities; the age, capacity, use and size of each building; and each building’s safety ratings, energy sources, probable useful life, major system repairs needed and asbestos
7000 Facilities Development Goals
8 NYCRR Part 155 (Educational Facilities)
Adoption date: 03/20/13, April 2014, 7/24/24
7365 Construction Safety
The Board of Education recognizes the district’s responsibility to provide a safe school environment for students and staff during construction and maintenance projects.
The Superintendent of Schools shall be responsible for ensuring that district procedures for safeguarding the safety and health of students and staff are consistent with state law and regulation, including the Uniform Code of Public School Building Inspections, Safety Rating and Monitoring and the Uniform Safety Standards for School Construction and Maintenance Projects. Specifically, the Superintendent shall be responsible for the following items at the specified phase of the construction project:
- Ensure proper planning for the safety of building occupants during construction or maintenance.
- Hire a New York State licensed architect or engineer for projects costing more than $20,000.
- Ensure safety issues are addressed for bid specifications and contract documents.
- Provide notice to parents, staff and the community in advance of any construction project costing $50,000 or more to be conducted in an occupied school building. The notice is to be given at least two months prior to the date on which construction is to begin, except in the case of emergency construction projects, in which case notice will be given as soon as practical. The notice will provide information on the district’s obligation to provide a safe school environment during construction projects. The notice may be given by publication in the district newsletter, direct mailings, parent notification system, district website or by holding a public hearing on the project.
- Revise the district’s emergency management plan, when appropriate, to accommodate the construction process including a revised emergency exit plan and emergency evacuation and relocation procedures during the construction process.
During Construction
- Monitor construction and maintenance activities to check for safety violations and to ensure that certificate of occupancy requirements are continuously maintained.
- Ensure that all areas to be disturbed through renovation or demolition are tested for lead and asbestos.
- Investigate and respond to health and safety
- Conduct fire drills during construction to familiarize students and staff with revised emergency procedures.
- Ensure compliance with statutory and regulatory requirements regarding noise abatement, exits, ventilation, air quality, fire and hazard prevention, chemical fumes, gases and other contaminants, asbestos abatement and lead paint and radon testing and migration.
- Conduct a walk-through inspection with members of the Health and Safety Committee to confirm the area is ready to be reopened for use.
7100 Facilities Planning
8110 Safety Building Safety
Education Law §§ 409-d (Comprehensive Public School Building Safety Program; 409-e (Uniform Code of Public School Buildings Inspection, Safety Rating and Monitoring)
8 NYCRR Part 155.4 (Uniform Code of Public School Building Inspections, Safety Rating and Monitoring)
8 NYCRR Part 155. 5 (Uniform Safety Standards for School Construction and Maintenance Projects)
9 NYCRR Parts 600-1250 (Uniform Fire Prevention & Building Code)
Adoption date: 10/16/13, April 2014, 05/03/2023