Cohoes Jr. Drama Club presents Annie
The Cohoes Jr. Drama Club is set to kick off three shows of “Annie Jr.” this weekend, with a cast of 67, crew of 30 and eight student staff. You won’t want to miss this timeless classic about Annie, a spunky orphan who, after a series of events, is eventually adopted by…
Cohoes Jr. Drama Club presents Annie Jr.
The Cohoes Jr. Drama Club is set to kick off three shows of “Annie Jr.” this weekend, with a cast of 67, crew of 30 and eight student staff. You won’t want to miss this timeless classic about Annie, a spunky orphan who, after a series of events, is eventually adopted by America’s wealthiest man…
Van Schaick Grade School celebrates “Believe Day” and Holidays Around the World
For the 15th year in a row, Van Schaick Grade School Principal Jacqueline DeChiaro is bringing Christmas magic to her students with “Believe Day,” which has grown to include an entire week of fun. What originally started in 2008 as a letter writing campaign to Santa Claus has grown over the years to include holidays…
RPI Engineering Ambassadors visit elementary schools
Elementary students recently had the opportunity to challenge their minds with fun STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) experiments courtesy of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI) Engineering Ambassadors. At Harmony Hill, fourth and fifth graders learned about the basics of circuits and water filtration. The fourth graders enjoyed the circuit presentation, which was accompanied by different hands-on…
Elementary Standards Based Report Cards
Last year, we moved to a Standards Based Report Card for kindergarten through fifth grade students. These report cards provide information on a student’s growth and progress in attaining the learning expectations in each subject as defined by the NYS Next Generation Learning Standards. Reporting student progress is an essential part of the communication and…
Cohoes High School First Quarter Honor Roll
Cohoes High School has announced Highest Honors (95+), High Honors (90-94.9) and Honors (85-89.9) students for the first quarter of the 2023-24 school year. Highest honors 95+ Grade 9 Jack Abdul, Max Abdul, Hannah Bullock, Jaionna Dewitt, Lily Doolittle, Maria Frank, April Garneau, Mohammed Hossain, Brayden Huneau, Hibah Junaid, Justin Lewis, Cameron Messier-Ishak, Riley Newman,…
Cohoes Middle School First Quarter Honor Roll
Cohoes Middle School has announced Highest Honors (94.5-100), High Honors (89.50-94.40) and Honors (84.5-89.40) students for the first quarter of the 2023-24 school year. HIGHEST HONOR ROLL 94.50 – 100.00 GRADE 6 Josiah Amberg, Robin Basile, Liam Campos, Lauren Farinacci, Natalie Ferrand, Ava Gaudreau, Kendall Jackson, Tayanna Jones, Rylee Kearbey, Aiza Khan, Camryn Lafortune, Kyla…
Proposition 1 on Nov. 7 ballot impacts CCSD and other small city school districts
On Election Day, Tuesday, Nov. 7, New York residents will have the opportunity to vote on a proposed state constitutional amendment, Proposal Number One, that addresses disparities in how small city school districts like the Cohoes City School District are able to take on debt compared to other districts across the state. Below is the…
Harmony Hill honors our veterans
Veterans Day is an important day to honor our veterans who have served in the military. This morning, Harmony Hill hosted their Annual Veteran Day Breakfast and Recognition to do just that. Students and over 20 veteran family members enjoyed breakfast and a little bit of socializing before heading to the gymnasium for a recognition…
How we’ll communicate weather-related closings and delays
With winter weather right around the corner we wanted to share how a delay or school closing will be communicated. Any changes to the school day will be communicated through ParentSquare, the district’s mass notification system. The message will also be posted on our website and through local media outlets. Delays are typically two hours:…