Home » Statewide mask requirement in schools to be lifted March 2

Statewide mask requirement in schools to be lifted March 2

A Message from Superintendent Peggy O’Shea

Dear Cohoes Families,

Today, Sunday, Feb. 27, Governor Kathy Hochul announced that the statewide mask requirement in schools and on school buses will be lifted effective Wednesday, March 2, 2022. 

Upon return to school tomorrow and on Tuesday, masks must continue to be worn. Beginning on Wednesday, mask wearing will be optional. Students and staff are welcome to wear a mask if they choose, but it will no longer be required. We understand this is a personal choice which should be respected. 

As always, our priority is to keep our students, staff and community safe. We will continue to keep other mitigation efforts in place. We anticipate receiving additional guidance in the coming days and will keep you informed.

As always, thank you for your partnership.


Peggy O’Shea