Home » Second Dose Vaccine Clinic to be held Jan. 7 for ages 5-11

Second Dose Vaccine Clinic to be held Jan. 7 for ages 5-11

The second-dose COVID-19 vaccine clinic for Cohoes City School District students ages 5-11 will be held on Jan. 7th from 3:15pm-5:15pm at the Cohoes Middle School. 
Students will report to the CMS Gymnasium at their appointment time, which is the same time as their first dose appointment. Parents should accompany their child and masks must be worn.
The clinic, held in partnership with Marra’s Pharmacy, will administer the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine.
Students who weren’t able to attend the first clinic, can receive their first dose at this time. The Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine is a two-part vaccine. Individuals receiving their first vaccine on Jan. 7th will be required to return for their second dose at the same location and time. At this time, the date has yet to be determined.
Please check your Parent Square account for the links to set up a time that is convenient for you and to fill out the Screening and Consent form.
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