Table of Contents
Abram Lansing Contact
Principal: Clifford Bird
Secretary: Carole Blide
Phone: (518) 237-5044
Fax: (518) 237-1879
26 James Street, Cohoes, NY 12047
More Information

Cohoes City School District
School Name
Abram Lansing
Grades Served
Collaboratively developed by the Abram Lansing SCEP Development Team (Cliff Bird, Sue Keough, Ellen McGeorge, Jordan Peluso, Bridget Quinlan, Holly Scensny) and in partnership with the staff, students, and families of Abram Lansing.
Evidence-Based Intervention
All CSI and TSI schools must implement at least one evidence-based intervention as part of its SCEP. The intervention identified must meet the criteria of a Tier 1, Tier 2, or Tier 3 evidence-based intervention under ESSA.
More information about evidence-based interventions can be found on the NYSED website.
☒ State-Supported Evidence Based
Evidence-Based Intervention Identified:
Instructional Coaching
We envision that this Evidence-Based Intervention will support the following Commitment(s):
Commitment 1 & 2
How does this evidence-based intervention connect to what the team learned when exploring the Envision/ Analyze/Listen process?
Instructional coaching will support teachers with understanding research based strategies that have the highest impact on the students in their classrooms. The coach will also work with the . teachers in collecting and analyzing standards aligned data to ensure that they are teaching and students are learning rigorous grade level knowledge and skills.
Commitment 1
Our Commitment
What is one commitment we will promote for 2024-25?
We commit to teaching all of our students to read and write at grade level or above. 24-25 goals:
By June 2025, iReady data will show that at least 75% of all students, (currently 63%) have met one year’s worth of growth in ELA, including student subgroups (Black students currently 61 %, Hispanic students 59%), and 50% will meet their stretch growth (currently 38%) including subgroups (Black students currently 46%, Hispanic students 31 % )
Also, by June 2025, at least 70% (currently 60%) of students in the building will be at or above grade level in ELA using iReady data.
Proficiency on the NYS assessment for ELA will improve from the 2023-24 school year (currently do not have the data to set targets)
Why are we making this Commitment?
Things to potentially take into consideration when crafting this response:
- How does this Commitment fit into what we envision for the school?
- How does this Commitment relate to what we heard when listening to others?
- How does this Commitment connect to what we observed through analysis?
To enhance student learning and ensure consistency across • classrooms, the following measures are necessary: Expanding data review cycles for the WIN group will improve teacher planning and tracking of formative data, aligning with identified priorities. Professional development in research-based best practices for reading and writing is crucial, particularly to support the varying needs of students. Addressing inconsistencies in instructional time by • refining schedule design will further promote student growth. Lastly, the consistent use of district instructional programs is essential to meet rigorous NYS standards and provide equitable learning experiences across all classrooms.
Key Strategies
Input a total of one to four strategies that reflect something new the school is introducing or something currently in existence that the school is expanding or refining for the upcoming school year. Then identify if the strategy is something new, something being expanded, or something being refined. Then identify the data that indicates these strategies will be beneficial to our school. For any key strategy that is not something new, provide a 1-2 sentence summary of how the key strategy will be expanded or refined next year.
Cycles of data review will be used to determine instructional priorities
How does this compare to existing efforts?
Why? What did we learn from our needs assessment that suggests this is the right key strategy? Consider both data trends observed and student interview responses.
Data review cycles that have been in place for WIN group placement can be extended to include support for teacher planning and tracking of formative data focused on priorities identified for the WIN group.
Professional Development will be provided based on identified instructional priorities
How does this compare to existing efforts?
Why? What did we learn from our needs assessment that suggests this is the right key strategy? Consider both data trends observed and student interview responses.
Teachers need continued professional development to deepen their understanding of researched-based best practices in the Science of Reading and writing. New and veteran teachers will benefit from learning new strategies and teacher moves that best support differing needs of subgroup populations.
Weekly, daily and subject scheduling is consistent across grades
How does this compare to existing efforts?
Why? What did we learn from our needs assessment that suggests this is the right key strategy? Consider both data trends observed and student interview responses.
Research shows that schedule design in elementary schools has a direct impact on instructional time and student growth. In reviewing past year data, it was determined that instructional time was not consistent for all grade levels.
Instructional reading and writing programs will be used with fidelity — Into Reading, Writable (3-5), iReady, Fundations (K-2)
How does this compare to existing efforts?
Why? What did we learn from our needs assessment that suggests this is the right key strategy? Consider both data trends observed and student interview responses.
Review of data from the 23-24 school showed that there was not consistent implementation and use of the district instructional programs in all classrooms. To best support consistency in student learning, and to ensure NYS standards are being met at a rigorous grade level, all teachers will use district determined teaching resources.
How does this compare to existing efforts?
Why? What did we learn from our needs assessment that suggests this is the right key strategy? Consider both data trends observed and student interview responses.
Research is clear that student engagement is critical to learning. Classroom teachers will continue to implement Second Step as a tier one approach to SEL. The Reset Room team will provide assistance with dysregulated students, and offer support as Tier two and Tier three strategies are needed.
Key Strategy 1: Cycles of data review will be used to determine instructional priorities
What is our plan for implementing Key Strategy 1? What steps are involved? When will they be in place?
Data review of NYS assessment and iReady data to determine priorities with instructional coach. Will be in place by EPM.
WIN groups will be determined based on iReady data. Will be in place by EPM.
Teachers will choose 1 or 2 SPECIFICE LA goals per 6-week WIN session, create base-line, progress-monitoring and session ending assessments. Will be in place by MYB.
What resources (schedule, space, money, processes, individuals) are necessary to support these strategies?
NYS Data from 2023-2024 ELA and Math, Julie Carroll to help determine priority from that data, iReady Fall Diagnostic Data, Tina Kellar to pull this data to determine WIN groups with each WIN team, Substitutes to cover WIN meetings, AIMS WEB progress monitoring resource and/or My Path data.
Key Strategy 2: Professional Development will be provided based on identified instructional priorities
What is our plan for implementing Key Strategy 2? What steps are involved? When will they be in place?
Focus for PD for teachers:
- optional Tuesday morning HITS training with Instructional Coach
- quick tips and tricks based on district trends with teacher highlights from the instructional coach presented at faculty meetings each month
- researched based strategies and teaching practices that are focused specifically on how black and brown students learn best.
Will be in place by EPM.
Science of Reading Briefs will be studied during faculty meetings. (Briefs 1 & 2 in October, Brief 3 in November, Brief 5 in December, and Brief 7 in January.) Will be in place by MYB.
K-2 PLCs will focus on Fundations. Will be in place by EPM.
Parents will be offered a session in understanding iReady reports in October. Will be in place by MYB.
What resources (schedule, space, money, processes, individuals) are necessary to support these strategies?
Room 112 Tuesday mornings for HITS training with Julie Carroll, Copies of Science of Reading Briefs for Faculty, PLC meeting agendas/notes protocol, iReady reports for parents and principal to provide training.
Key Strategy 3: Weekly, daily and subject scheduling is consistent across grades
What is our plan for implementing Key Strategy 3? What steps are involved When will they be in place?
Teachers will refine the use of Common Boards, including WIN goals. Will be in place by EPM.
Daily classroom schedules will be collected, posted and followed. Will be in place by EPM.
Building schedules will honor instructional times (especially WIN time) during iReady and NYS assessments and whenever building-wide activities encroach instructional time. Will be in place by EPM.
BOCES coach will provide a plethora of engaging means for end-of-lesson data gathering to assure instruction is occurring the entire block of scheduled time. Will be in place by MYB.
Time will be in the schedule for My Path work. Will be in place by EPM.
What resources (schedule, space, money, processes, individuals) are necessary to support these strategies?
Discussion and example of common board expectations, communication of all instructional interruptions in a timely manner, Chromebooks to all students
Key Strategy 4: Instructional reading and writing programs will be used with fidelity — Into Reading, Writable (3-5)*, iReady, Fundations (K-2)*
What is our plan for implementing Key Strategy 4? What steps are involved When will they be in place?
K-5 Students will set iReady data goals with the teacher and track their own progress. Will be in place by EPM.
Time will be scheduled for daily My Path work. Will be in place by EPM.
Kindergarten Fundations instruction will occur during WIN time. Will be in place by EPM.
What resources (schedule, space, money, processes, individuals) are necessary to support these strategies?
Data chat sheet options shared with teachers, Support teachers push into K rooms for Fundations/WIN time.
Key Strategy 5: Student Engagement
What is our plan for implementing Key Strategy 5? What steps are involved?When will they be in place?
Second Step will continue to be the basis of our Tier 1. Will be in place by EPM.
The Reset Room team will collect data, provide assistance with dysregulated students, and offer su art as Tier two and Tier three strategies are needed. Will be in place by EPM.
What resources (schedule, space, money, processes, individuals) are necessary to support these strategies?
Ensure all teachers have the Second Step materials available to them, Prepare new Intervention Data Collection Sheet, Be sure all members of the Reset Room team are following protocols set by the building principal.
Progress Targets
Early Progress Milestones
Identify Quantitative Data or Qualitative Descriptors that can serve as signals that our implementation is on track and we should continue pursuing these strategies.
We believe we are on track with the implementation of our strategies if we reach the following Early Progress Milestones six to ten weeks into implementation:
Key Strategy 1: Cycles of data review will be used to determine instructional priorities.
What Early Progress Milestone data will we be reviewing? What do we hope to see when we review that data? (Consider Student Data, Adult/Schoolwide Behaviors and Practices, and Student Behaviors and Practices.)
- Data review of NYS assessment and iReady data to determine priorities with instructional coach.
By October 15, 2024, all teachers will have reviewed their 23-24 NYS ELA assessment data and identified 2-3 priority standards. All teachers will have reviewed and adjusted their curriculum to ensure the identified priority standards are included and are a focus across the year. The principal will measure success of this benchmark by collecting the priority standards, justification for why they are a priority and where they are taught in the curriculum using a paper template.
What we ended up seeing (complete six to ten weeks into the school year)
- WIN groups will be determined based on iReady data
By October 15, 2024, iReady diagnostic benchmark data will be used to identify tiered WIN groups including students with similar needs. The principal will measure the success of this benchmark by reviewing the WIN student lists, areas of focus and justification for each student placement.
What we ended up seeing (complete six to ten weeks into the school year)
- Teachers will choose 1 or 2 SPECIFIC ELA goals per 6-week WIN session, create base-line, progress-monitoring and session ending assessments.
By October 15, 2024, each WIN teacher will create a 6-week goal for their group which includes the benchmark data, the target data and how growth will be measured. The principal will measure the success of this benchmark by reviewing the goals at the start of the 6-week period.
What we ended up seeing (complete six to ten weeks into the school year)
Key Strategy 2: Professional Development will be provided based on identified instructional priorities.
What Early Progress Milestone data will we be reviewing? What do we hope to see when we review that data? (consider Student Data, Adult/Schoolwide Behaviors and Practices, and Student Behaviors and Practices)
- Focus for PD for teachers – optional Tuesday morning HITS training with Instructional Coach
- quick tips and tricks based on district trends with teacher highlights from the instructional coach presented at faculty meetings each month
- researched based strategies and teaching practices that are focused specifically on how black and brown students learn best.
By October 15, 2024, we will have had 5 HITS sessions and one faculty meeting that includes quick tips and tricks from the instructional coach, a researched-based strategy and a discussion on briefs 1 and 2 from the Science of Reading. The principal will measure the success of this by reviewing Tuesday morning attendance data and through conversations with teachers about what teachers are trying in their classrooms.
What we ended up seeing (complete six to ten weeks into the school year)
- Science of Reading Briefs will be studied during faculty meetings. (Briefs 1&2 in October, Brief 3 in November, Brief 5 in December, and Brief 7 in January) K-2 PLCs will focus on Fundations training
By October 15, 2024 teachers will have held their September PLC with focus on Fundations use. The principal will measure the success of this by reviewing the notes/minutes shared with him from each grade level K-2.
What we ended up seeing (complete six to ten weeks into the school year)
- Parents will be offered a session in understanding iReady reports in October
By October 15, 2024 a parent information session on iReady reports will have taken place or will have been scheduled for sometime in October. The principal will measure the success of this by ensuring the date has been scheduled or the session has been held.
What we ended up seeing (complete six to ten weeks into the school year)
Key Strategy 3: Weekly, daily and subject scheduling is consistent across grades.
What Early Progress Milestone data will we be reviewing? What do we hope to see when we review that data? (consider Student Data, Adult/Schoolwide Behaviors and Practices, and Student Behaviors and Practices)
- Teachers will refine the use of Common Boards, including WIN goals
By October 15, 2024, a Common Board should be posted in each classroom including report card aligned standards for ELA and Math or as appropriate for the course, learning targets for ELA and Math or as appropriate for the course, WIN goals, Second Step focus, character trait focus, K-2 Fundations focus, PBIS agreements and daily schedule. The principal will measure the success of this via formal and informal observations.
What we ended up seeing (complete six to ten weeks into the school year)
- Daily classroom schedules will be collected, posted and followed.
By October 15, 2024 each classroom will have schedules posted and have shared those schedules with the principal. The principal will measure the success of this by reviewing collected schedules.
What we ended up seeing (complete six to ten weeks into the school year)
- Building schedules will honor instructional times (especially WIN time) during iReady and NYS assessments and whenever building-wide activities encroach instructional time.
By October 15, 2024 a building schedule will have been set and shared with the faculty and staff. The iReady Fall assessment schedule, with respect for instructional times, will have been set and followed.
What we ended up seeing (complete six to ten weeks into the school year)
- BOCES coach will provide a plethora of engaging means for end-of-lesson data gathering to assure instruction is occurring the entire block of scheduled time
By October 15, 2024, coach will be scheduled for an upcoming faculty meeting.
What we ended up seeing (complete six to ten weeks into the school year)
- Time will be in the schedule for My Path work.
By October 15, 2024 each classroom will have schedules posted and have shared those schedules with the principal. The principal will measure the success of this by reviewing collected schedules to ensure My Path work time is included.
What we ended up seeing (complete six to ten weeks into the school year)
Key Strategy 4: Instructional reading and writing programs will be used with fidelity — Into Reading, Writable (3-5)*, iReady, Fundations (K-2)*
What Early Progress Milestone data will we be reviewing? What do we hope to see when we review that data? (consider Student Data, Adult/Schoolwide Behaviors and Practices, and Student Behaviors and Practices)
- K-5 Students will set iReady data goals with the teacher and track their own progress.
By October 15, 2024 teachers will have decided on a system of students tracking their iReady Data Goals, held Data Chats with students regarding their Fall Diagnostic Data and have shared this data with the principal. The principal will measure the success of this by reviewing the collected data chats from each teacher.
What we ended up seeing (complete six to ten weeks into the school year)
- Time will be scheduled for daily My Path work.
By October 15, 2024 each classroom will have schedules posted and have shared those schedules with the principal. The principal will measure the success of this by reviewing collected schedules to ensure My Path work time is included.
What we ended up seeing (complete six to ten weeks into the school year)
- Kindergarten Fundations instruction will occur during WIN time.
By October 15, 2024, WIN groups in Kindergarten will have a focus of Fundations Instruction. The principal will measure the success of this by observing the WIN goals posted on the Common Board as well as formal and informal observations during Kindergarten WIN times.
What we ended up seeing (complete six to ten weeks into the school year)
Key Strategy 5: Student Engagement
What Early Progress Milestone data will we be reviewing? What do we hope to see when we review that data? (consider Student Data, Adult/Schoolwide Behaviors and Practices, and Student Behaviors and Practices)
- Second Step will continue to be the basis of our Tier 1 instruction.
By October 15, 2024 Second Step will be included in classroom weekly instruction as well as on the morning announcements and monthly assemblies. The principal will measure the success of this by reviewing the morning announcements and September Assembly content, observing the Second Step focus posted on classroom Common Boards and reviewing weekly schedules to ensure Second Step lessons are included weekly.
What we ended up seeing (complete six to ten weeks into the school year)
- The Reset Room team will collect data, provide assistance with dysregulated students, and offer support as Tier two and Tier three strategies are needed.
By October 15, 2024 the Reset Room Team will be providing daily support with dysregulated students and their teachers. The principal will measure the success of this by reviewing the Trauma-Informed Social Emotional Intervention Google Sheet.
What we ended up seeing (complete six to ten weeks into the school year)
Mid-Year Benchmarks and end-of-year targets
We believe successful implementation of these strategies will allow us to reach the following mid-year benchmarks and end-of-the-year goals.
Mid-Year Benchmark(S)
Student assessment iReady Winter Diagnostic
By January 2025, iReady data will show that at least 50% of all students, (currently 63%) have met one year’s worth of growth in ELA, including student subgroups (Black students currently 61 %, Hispanic students 59%), and 35% will meet their stretch growth (currently 38%) including subgroups (Black students currently 46%, Hispanic students 31 % ) Also, by January 2025, at
least 45% (currently 60%) of students in the building will be at or above grade level in ELA using iReady data. Proficiency on the NYS assessment for ELA will
improve from the 2023-24 school year.
(currently do not have the data to set targets)
End-of-Year Targets
Student assessment iReady Spring Diagnostic and NYS Data
By June 2025, iReady data will show that at least 75% of all students, (currently 63%) have met one year’s worth of growth in ELA, including student subgroups (Black students currently 61 %, Hispanic students 59%), and 50% will meet their stretch growth (currently 38%) including subgroups (Black students currently 46%, Hispanic students 31 %) Also, by June 2025, at least 70% (currently 60%) of students in the building will be at or above grade level in ELA using iReady data. Proficiency on the NYS assessment for ELA will improve from the 2023-24 school year.
(currently do not have the data to set targets)
Commitment 2
Our Commitment
What is one commitment we will promote for 2024-25?
We commit to teaching all of our students to understand and apply math concepts at or above grade level. 24-25 goals: June 2025, iReady data will show that at least 70% of all students (currently 59%) have met one year’s worth of growth in math including student subgroups. (Black students currently . 54%, Hispanic students 63%), and 40% will meet their stretch • goal (currently 34%) including subgroups. (Black students , currently at 11 %, and Hispanic students at 3 8%.) , By mid June 2024, at least 55% (currently 44%) of students in • the building will be at or above grade level in math using iReady data. Proficiency on the NYS assessment for Math will improve from the 2023-24 school year.
(currently do not have the data to set targets)
Why are we making this Commitment?
Things to potentially take into consideration when crafting this response:
- How does this Commitment fit into what we envision for the school?
- How does this Commitment relate to what we heard when listening to others?
- How does this Commitment connect to what we observed through analysis?
To enhance student learning and ensure consistency across classrooms, the following measures are necessary: Professional professional development in research-based best practices for math is crucial, particularly to support the varying needs of . students, especially our black and brown students. Addressing • inconsistencies in instructional time by refining schedule • design will further promote student growth. Lastly, the consistent use of district instructional programs is essential to meet rigorous NYS standards and provide equitable learning experiences across all classrooms.
Key Strategies
Input a total of one to four strategies that reflect something new the school is introducing or something currently in existence that the school is expanding or refining for the upcoming school year. Then identify if the strategy is something new, something being expanded, or something being refined. Then identify the data that indicates these strategies will be beneficial to our school. For any key strategy that is not something new, provide a 1-2 sentence summary of how the key strategy will be expanded or refined next year.
Cycles of data review will be used to determine instructional priorities
How does this compare to existing efforts?
Why? What did we learn from our needs assessment that suggests this is the right key strategy? Consider both data trends observed and student interview responses.
Data review cycles that have been in place for WIN group placement can be extended to include support for teacher planning and tracking of formative data focused on priorities identified for the WIN group.
Professional Development will be provided based on identified instructional priorities
How does this compare to existing efforts?
Why? What did we learn from our needs assessment that suggests this is the right key strategy? Consider both data trends observed and student interview responses.
Teachers need continued professional development to deepen their understanding of researched-based best practices in the Science of Reading and writing. New and veteran teachers will benefit from learning new strategies and teacher moves that best support differing needs of subgroup populations.
Weekly, daily and subject scheduling is consistent across grades
How does this compare to existing efforts?
Why? What did we learn from our needs assessment that suggests this is the right key strategy? Consider both data trends observed and student interview responses.
Research shows that schedule design in elementary schools has a direct impact on instructional time and student growth. In reviewing past year data, it was determined that instructional time was not consistent for all grade levels.
Instructional Math programs will be used with fidelity — iReady Math)
How does this compare to existing efforts?
Why? What did we learn from our needs assessment that suggests this is the right key strategy? Consider both data trends observed and student interview responses.
Review of data from the 23-24 school showed that there was not consistent implementation and use of the district instructional programs in all classrooms. To best support consistency in student learning, and to ensure NYS standards are being met at a rigorous grade level, all teachers will use district determined teaching resources.
Key Strategy 1: Cycles of data review will be used to determine instructional priorities
What is our plan for implementing Key Strategy 1? What steps are involved? When will they be in place?
Data review of NYS assessment and iReady data to determine priorities with instructional coach. Will be in place by EPM.
Using iReady data, teachers will work with instructional coach to assess. Will be in place by MYB.
Teachers assist students in creating iReady math goals after each assessment. Will be in place by EPM.
What resources (schedule, space, money, processes, individuals) are necessary to support these strategies?
Time scheduled to work with Julie Carroll, substitutes to provide coverage for these meetings, samples of data chat sheets for teachers to choose from.
Key Strategy 2: Professional Development will be provided based on identified instructional priorities
What is our plan for implementing Key Strategy 2? What steps are involved? When will they be in place?
Focus for PD for teachers:
- optional Tuesday morning HITS training with Instructional Coach
- quick tips and tricks based on district trends with teacher highlights from the instructional coach presented at faculty meetings each month
- researched based strategies and teaching practices that are focused specifically on how black and brown students learn best.
Will be in place by EPM.
Parents will be offered a session in understanding iReady reports in October. Will be in place by MYB.
What resources (schedule, space, money, processes, individuals) are necessary to support these strategies?
Room 112 Tuesday mornings for HITS training with Julie Carroll; iReady reports for parents and principal to provide training.
Key Strategy 3: Weekly, daily and subject scheduling is consistent across grades
What is our plan for implementing Key Strategy 3? What steps are involved When will they be in place?
Teachers will refine the use of Common Boards, including WIN goals. Will be in place by EPM.
Daily classroom schedules will be collected, posted and followed. Will be in place by EPM.
Building schedules will honor instructional times (especially WIN time) during iReady and NYS assessments and whenever building-wide activities encroach instructional time. Will be in place by EPM.
Time will be in the schedule for My Path work. Will be in place by EPM.
BOCES coach will provide a plethora of engaging means for end-of-lesson data gathering to assure instruction is occurring the entire block of scheduled time. Will be in place by MYB.
What resources (schedule, space, money, processes, individuals) are necessary to support these strategies?
Discussion and example of common board expectations, communication of all instructional interruptions in a timely manner, Chromebooks to all students
Key Strategy 4: Instructional reading and writing programs will be used with fidelity — iReady
What is our plan for implementing Key Strategy 4? What steps are involved When will they be in place?
K-5 Students will set iReady data goals with the teacher and track their own progress. Will be in place by EPM.
K-3 teachers will work with the instructional coach. Will be in place by MYB.
What resources (schedule, space, money, processes, individuals) are necessary to support these strategies?
Data chat sheet options shared with teachers, scheduled time for K-3 teachers to work with Julie Carroll and substitutes to provide coverage.
Progress Targets
Early Progress Milestones
Identify Quantitative Data or Qualitative Descriptors that can serve as signals that our implementation is on track and we should continue pursuing these strategies.
We believe we are on track with the implementation of our strategies if we reach the following Early Progress Milestones six to ten weeks into implementation:
Key Strategy 1: Cycles of data review will be used to determine instructional priorities.
What Early Progress Milestone data will we be reviewing? What do we hope to see when we review that data? (Consider Student Data, Adult/Schoolwide Behaviors and Practices, and Student Behaviors and Practices.)
- Data review of NYS assessment and iReady data to determine priorities with instructional coach.
By October 15, 2024, all teachers will have reviewed their 23-24 NYS ELA assessment data and identified 2-3 priority standards. All teachers will have reviewed and adjusted their curriculum to ensure the identified priority standards are included and are a focus across the year. The principal will measure success of this benchmark by collecting the priority standards, justification for why they are a priority and where they are taught in the curriculum using a paper template.
What we ended up seeing (complete six to ten weeks into the school year)
- Using iReady data, teachers will work with instructional coach to assess.
By October 15, 2024, iReady diagnostic math benchmark data will be used to identify students with similar needs within each class/grade level. The principal will measure the success of this benchmark by reviewing the benchmark data shared with teachers, areas of focus and justification for each student placement (Math AIS).
What we ended up seeing (complete six to ten weeks into the school year)
- Teachers will assist students in creating iReady math goals after each assessment.
By October 15, 2024, each WIN teacher will create a 6-week math goal for their group which includes the benchmark data, the target data and how growth will be measured. The principal will measure the success of this benchmark by reviewing the goals at the start of the 6-week period and at the end of the 6-week period.
What we ended up seeing (complete six to ten weeks into the school year)
Key Strategy 2: Professional Development will be provided based on identified instructional priorities.
What Early Progress Milestone data will we be reviewing? What do we hope to see when we review that data? (consider Student Data, Adult/Schoolwide Behaviors and Practices, and Student Behaviors and Practices)
- Focus for PD for teachers – optional Tuesday morning HITS training with Instructional Coach
- quick tips and tricks based on district trends with teacher highlights from the instructional coach presented at faculty meetings each month
- researched based strategies and teaching practices that are focused specifically on how black and brown students learn best.
By October 15, 2024, we will have had 5 HITS sessions and one faculty meeting that includes quick tips and tricks from the instructional coach, a researched-based strategy and a discussion on briefs 1 and 2 from the Science of Reading. The principal will measure the success of this by reviewing Tuesday morning attendance data and through conversations with teachers about what teachers are trying in their classrooms.
What we ended up seeing (complete six to ten weeks into the school year)
- Parents will be offered a session in understanding iReady reports in October
By October 15, 2024 a parent information session on iReady reports will have taken place or will have been scheduled for sometime in October. The principal will measure the success of this by ensuring the date has been scheduled or the session has been held.
What we ended up seeing (complete six to ten weeks into the school year)
Key Strategy 3: Weekly, daily and subject scheduling is consistent across grades.
What Early Progress Milestone data will we be reviewing? What do we hope to see when we review that data? (consider Student Data, Adult/Schoolwide Behaviors and Practices, and Student Behaviors and Practices)
- Teachers will refine the use of Common Boards
By October 15, 2024, a Common Board should be posted in each classroom including report card aligned standards for ELA and Math or as appropriate for the course, learning targets for ELA and Math or as appropriate for the course, WIN goals, Second Step focus, character trait focus, K-2 Fundations focus, PBIS agreements and daily schedule. The principal will measure the success of this via formal and informal observations.
What we ended up seeing (complete six to ten weeks into the school year)
- Daily classroom schedules will be collected, posted and followed.
By October 15, 2024 each classroom will have schedules posted and have shared those schedules with the principal. The principal will measure the success of this by reviewing collected schedules.
What we ended up seeing (complete six to ten weeks into the school year)
- Building schedules will honor instructional times (especially WIN time) during iReady and NYS assessments and whenever building-wide activities encroach instructional time.
By October 15, 2024 a building schedule will have been set and shared with the faculty and staff. The iReady Fall assessment schedule, with respect for instructional times, will have been set and followed.
What we ended up seeing (complete six to ten weeks into the school year)
- Time will be in the schedule for My Path work.
By October 15, 2024 each classroom will have schedules posted and have shared those schedules with the principal. The principal will measure the success of this by reviewing collected schedules to ensure My Path work time is included.
What we ended up seeing (complete six to ten weeks into the school year)
- BOCES coach will provide a plethora of engaging means for end-of-lesson data gathering to assure instruction is occurring the entire block of scheduled time
By October 15, 2024, coach will be scheduled for an upcoming faculty meeting.
What we ended up seeing (complete six to ten weeks into the school year)
Key Strategy 4: Instructional reading and writing programs will be used with fidelity — iReady
What Early Progress Milestone data will we be reviewing? What do we hope to see when we review that data? (consider Student Data, Adult/Schoolwide Behaviors and Practices, and Student Behaviors and Practices)
- K-5 Students will set iReady data goals with the teacher and track their own progress.
By October 15, 2024 teachers will have decided on a system of students tracking their iReady Data Goals, held Data Chats with students regarding their Fall Diagnostic Data and have shared this data with the principal. The principal will measure the success of this by reviewing the collected data chats from each teacher.
What we ended up seeing (complete six to ten weeks into the school year)
- K-5 teachers will work with instructional coach.
What we ended up seeing (complete six to ten weeks into the school year)
Mid-Year Benchmarks and end-of-year targets
We believe successful implementation of these strategies will allow us to reach the following mid-year benchmarks and end-of-the-year goals.
Mid-Year Benchmark(S)
Student assessment iReady Winter Diagnostic
January 2025 iReady data will show that at least 30% of all students ( currently 59%) have met one year’s worth of growth in math including student subgroups. (Black students currently 54%, Hispanic students 63%), and 25% will meet their stretch goal (currently 34%) including subgroups. (Black students currently at 11 %, and Hispanic students at 38%.) By January 2024, at least 40% (currently 44%) of students in the building will be at or above grade level in math using iReady data. Proficiency on the NYS assessment for Math will improve from the 2023-24 school year
(currently do not have the data to set targets)
End-of-year targets
Student assessment iReady Spring Diagnostic and NYS Data
June 2025 iReady data will show that at least 70% of all students (currently 59%) have met one year’s worth of growth in math including student subgroups. (Black students currently 54%, Hispanic students 63%), and 40% will meet their stretch goal (currently 34%) including subgroups. (Black students currently at 11 %, and Hispanic students at 38%.) By mid June 2024, at least 55% (currently 44%) of students in the building will be at or above grade level in math using iReady data. Proficiency on the NYS assessment for Math will improve from the 2023-24 school year.
(Currently do not have the data to set targets.)
Our Team’s Process
NYSED requires that the SCEP is developed in consultation with parents and school staff, and in accordance with §100.11 of Commissioner’s Regulations. All schools are expected to follow the guidelines outlined in the document “Assembling Your Improvement Planning Team” on the New York State Education Department’s website. This section outlines how we worked together to develop our plan.
Our Team’s Steps
Our plan is the result of collaborating to complete several distinct steps:
- Envision: Exploring the Vision, Values and Aspirations for the school (optional for schools in CSI)
- Analyze: Analyzing Data
- Analyze: Analyzing Survey Data
- Listen: Interviewing Students
- Envision: Reflect, Synthesize, and Plan
- Writing the Plan
Team Collaboration
In the first two columns, identify the members of the SCEP team and their role (e.g., teacher, assistant principal, parent). In the rest of columns, indicate that team member’s participation in each of the activities by identifying the date that person participated in that activity OR leaving the space blank if the person did not participate in that activity.
Note: For accessibility compliance, we have presented the information in this section in its entirety in list form below. Please contact Abram Lansing Elementary School if you would prefer to view the Comprehensive Education Plan document in its original form.
Name: Cliff Bird
Role: Principal
Date of Orientation to School Teach (required for new TSI): 06/12/2024
Date of Envision: Exploring the Vision, Values & Aspiration: 06/12/2024
Date of Analyze: Internal & External Data: 07/17/2024
Date of Analyze: Survey Data: 08/09/2024
Date of Listen: Student Interviews:
Date of Envision: Reflect, Synthesize & Plan: 08/09/2024
Date of Plan, Writing & Revision: 08/09/2024
Name: Sue Keough
Role: Classroom Teacher
Date of Orientation to School Teach (required for new TSI): 06/12/2024
Date of Envision: Exploring the Vision, Values & Aspiration: 06/12/2024
Date of Analyze: Internal & External Data: 07/17/2024
Date of Analyze: Survey Data: 08/09/2024
Date of Listen: Student Interviews:
Date of Envision: Reflect, Synthesize & Plan: 08/09/2024
Date of Plan, Writing & Revision: 08/09/2024
Name: Ellen McGeorge
Role: Classroom Teacher
Date of Orientation to School Teach (required for new TSI): 06/12/2024
Date of Envision: Exploring the Vision, Values & Aspiration: 06/12/2024
Date of Analyze: Internal & External Data: 07/17/2024
Date of Analyze: Survey Data: 08/09/2024
Date of Listen: Student Interviews:
Date of Envision: Reflect, Synthesize & Plan: 08/09/2024
Date of Plan, Writing & Revision: 08/09/2024
Name: Jordan Peluso
Role: Classroom Teacher
Date of Orientation to School Teach (required for new TSI): 06/12/2024
Date of Envision: Exploring the Vision, Values & Aspiration: 06/12/2024
Date of Analyze: Internal & External Data: 07/17/2024
Date of Analyze: Survey Data: 08/09/2024
Date of Listen: Student Interviews:
Date of Envision: Reflect, Synthesize & Plan: 08/09/2024
Date of Plan, Writing & Revision: 08/09/2024
Name: Bridget Quinlan
Role: Classroom Teacher
Date of Orientation to School Teach (required for new TSI): 06/12/2024
Date of Envision: Exploring the Vision, Values & Aspiration: 06/12/2024
Date of Analyze: Internal & External Data: 07/17/2024
Date of Analyze: Survey Data: 08/09/2024
Date of Listen: Student Interviews:
Date of Envision: Reflect, Synthesize & Plan: 08/09/2024
Date of Plan, Writing & Revision: 08/09/2024
Name: Holly Scensny
Role: Reading Teacher
Date of Orientation to School Teach (required for new TSI): 06/12/2024
Date of Envision: Exploring the Vision, Values & Aspiration: 06/12/2024
Date of Analyze: Internal & External Data: 07/17/2024
Date of Analyze: Survey Data: 08/09/2024
Date of Listen: Student Interviews:
Date of Envision: Reflect, Synthesize & Plan: 08/09/2024
Date of Plan, Writing & Revision: 08/09/2024
Learning as a Team
Directions – After completing the previous sections, the team should complete the reflective prompt below.
Student Interviews
Describe how the Student Interview process informed the team’s plan.
We used a student survey this year to include student voice in our plan. We targeted questions based on interview responses in the past and an attempt to assess our students’ sense of belonging and safety. Their responses guided our further development of our WIN groups and provide clearer guidance to our reset room.
Subgroup Spotlight – schools in the ATSI & TSI model only*
Describe how the team has determined that the strategies in this plan are likely to result in improved subgroup performance for the subgroup(s) for which the school has been identified.
For our second year, we have specifically committed to focusing on our subgroups. (In our first years we took the rising tide approach.) We have created specific targets and goals for the subgroups, and . planned professional development sessions to assist teachers in developing instructional strategies.