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Capital Project

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On Tuesday, May 17, 2022 Cohoes voters approved a $19,985,700 capital project referendum that will improve existing buildings and classroom spaces to enhance students’ educational experience.

The project will address key health and safety measures, as well as improvements to the district’s athletic fields and will have no additional tax impact on residents.


New York state requires school districts to undergo a thorough examination of their facilities and complete a building conditions survey every five years. The majority of the proposed work was identified over the past year through a building condition survey process and with input from building-wide and district-wide committees. The scope of the capital project is part of a long-range plan to improve facilities.

The projects to be completed in each building are as follows:

Abram Lansing Elementary

  • Repair damaged exterior walls and paint building
  • Partial roof replacement
  • Refurbish elevator
  • Replace fire alarm system
  • Expand cafeteria seating
  • Replace window screens
  • Nurse suite reconfiguration/expansion
  • Provide portable dividers for support spaces – Academic Intervention Specialists/Special Education/Social Worker/Psychologist
  • Replace select casework with sink base cabinet

Harmony Hill School

  • Pavement reconstruction
  • Replace playground equipment and surfacing
  • Partial window replacement
  • Refurbish elevator
  • Replace fire alarm system
  • Convert locker rooms to storage and Academic Intervention Specialist (AIS) space

Van Schaick Grade School

  • Replace playground equipment, surfacing and court resurfacing
  • Refurbish front door system and fix leak
  • Replace roof ladder
  • Replace roof flashings
  • Interior masonry wall reconstruction
  • Refurbish front elevator
  • Replace emergency lighting and exit signs
  • Replace fire alarm system
  • Reconstruct ADA curb cut and ramp to play structures

Cohoes Middle School

  • Improve 7th & 8th grade science classrooms
  • Improve select bathrooms
  • Expand/reconfigure cafeteria to add needed space
  • Convert former Business Office into general classrooms
  • Masonry reconstruction and repointing
  • Fire escape repair and paint
  • Partial window repair and screen replacement
  • Select roofing and flashing replacement in the gym and lobby
  • Refurbish select plaster walls
  • Plaster ceiling repair/replacement
  • Refurbish elevator
  • Provide gym bleachers
  • Replace hot water heater

Cohoes High School

  • Renovate science labs/former Home & Careers classroom
  • Athletic improvements include the construction of a synthetic turf varsity field, with a new eight-lane track and field lighting. JV field improvements will include drainage, back stops and fencing.
  • Select pavement reconstruction.
  • Masonry reconstruction, repointing of window heads and chimney.
  • Select roofing and flashing replacement; replace wet and deteriorated areas and recoat for 15-year warranty.
  • Refurbish main elevator
  • Relocate electric panels from student occupied rooms
  • Improve ADA curb cubs and access to soccer field bleachers
  • Provide concrete pads at unit ventilators

Additional projects proposed through alternative funding sources include:

  • Replacing lighting in the High School auditorium
  • Replacing corridor lock sets/re-key throughout all five buildings
  • Replacing all public address (PA) systems.

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Drone footage of the athletic field construction is provided by CSArch. 
Several people in hardhats break the ground with shovels.
Several people holding shovels and wearing hardhats gather in a field with construction equipment.
An unfurnished middle school science classroom.
A work crane perches in front of the Van Schaick Elementary building.
An empty room with concrete floor and tiled walls, wired lights hanging from the ceiling.
A crane sits near the exterior of the Abram Lansing Elementary.

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