School Supply Lists | Summer Reading Lists | Math Assignments
School Supply Lists
6th Grade | 7th Grade | 8th Grade
6th Grade Supplies
- Calculator – TI30XIIS **Optional for Home Use**
- One (1) package of loose-leaf paper
- Five (5) packages of #2 pencils with erasers
- Two (2) Package(s) of eraser caps
- Two (2) pairs of inexpensive earbuds (not wireless) to keep at school
- All students need two (2) composition notebooks
- Two (2) 2-pocket folders (for a HW folder and 1 for Art or Music)
- 1 Binder Pouch/Pencil Case for Three Ring Binder (optional)
Option 1
- 2 accordion binders (5 or 6 sections)
Option 2
- 3-ring binder (can be zipped)
- 5 folders (3-hole punched)
Please complete the summer reading/math assignments. Additional copies are available at the CMS Office.
Please do not purchase backpacks with wheels or hard bottoms as they won’t fit in the lockers.
7th Grade Supplies
ELA Honors
- One 3-subject notebook
- One Pocket folder
- Pencils
ELA 7 – Pepper
- Two pocket folders
- Three packs pencils
Math Honors
- Pencils
Science Honors
- One 3-subject notebook
- One TI-30XIIS calculator
- Pencils
Social Studies 7/Honors
- One 1-inch binder
- One folder
- Lined paper
8th Grade Supplies
ELA – Flanagan and Dundon
- Red 1” binder
- 1 divider
- Loose leaf paper
- Pencils, highlighters, pencil caps
- Inexpensive earbuds (with standard plug)
- 1 red folder for homework
Math – Harris and Benoit
- 1 black folder
- Loose leaf paper
- Pens/pencils
- Inexpensive earbuds (with standard plug)
- Texas Instrument Scientific Calculator(model #TI-30XIIS)
Math 8 Algebra I Common Core – Honors only
Texas Instrument TI-83 Plus Graphing Calculator or TI-84 Plus Graphing Calculator (instead of TI-30XIIS)
Math – Valante
- Loose leaf paper
- Pens/Pencils
- Inexpensive earbuds
- Texas Instrument Scientific Calculator(model #TI-30XIIS)
Social Studies
- 1 Blue pocket folder
- Pens/pencils
- Box of tissues (for use in all classes, when needed)
- 3 green pocket folders
- Green spiral 3-subject notebook (Mrs. Penny’s class only)
- Binder to keep folders/notebook
- Calculator (same as math)
- Metric ruler
- Pens/pencils/markers
ELA – Pepper
- One 2-pocket folder
- 2-3 packages pencils
- Earbuds (with standard plug) to remain in class
Spanish 8 (Jennings)
- One 3-ring binder to be kept in classroom
- 1 pack of Crayola markers (or Crayola colored pencils or Crayola crayons)
- 1 box of pencils
French 8
- One 3-ring binder (2 or 2 ½”) to be used for French only
- 10 or 12 tab binder dividers
- Loose leaf paper
- 1 composition notebook to be used for French only
- Pens/pencils/highlighters
- Sneakers (with laces that tie)
Health (Rondeau) - Charged Chromebook
- Pens/pencils
Instructional Support
- Loose leaf paper
- 1 subject spiral notebook
- 2 boxes of pencils and pens (for class stock)
- 1 composition notebook
- 1 pocket folder
- 1 box of pencils
Technology 8
- Four 2-pocket folders
- 1 box of pencils (to leave in classroom)
- Colored pencils/markers
- Old shirt to wear over clothes when using paint
Chorus - Pencils
Band - Pencils
Summer Reading Lists
Watch this space for our lists starting in June!
Math Assignments
Watch this space for Math Assignments starting in June!
Cohoes Middle School Links
Cohoes Middle School Contact
Interim Principal: Dr. Mark Pitterson
Assistant Principal: Deanna Kelly
Dean of Students: Jill Havens
Secretary: Blaine Shafer
Secretary: Michelle Perry
Phone: (518) 237-4131
Fax: (518) 237-2253
7 Bevan Street
Cohoes, NY 12047
Directions to Cohoes Middle School